chapter-10 Jealousy

Start from the beginning

Once the students were assigned their working places, Kakashi wrote down some instructions on the board expecting the students to follow them. He then took out his trusty novel (namely icha icha paradise) and read it like the pervert he is.

"Sir! Shikamaru is asleep. He isn't doing a thing" A student whined from where she was.

"Deal with it Ino, You know how he is" Kakashi said not looking from his book.

"But you are the teacher!!"

"I know..." and thus the class continued.

On the other side of the room, Sakura and Sasuke were working... properly at that. Sasuke hadn't done anything. No mistakes, no explosions, no acids being thrown around. What was he planning? Sakura was starting to get nervous by each second!

"Do we mix these?" Sakura asked Sasuke. He gave the instructions while she did the work simply because she didn't exactly know what to do. She came only yesterday after all.

"Hn" Sasuke grunted, taking that as an affirmation. Sakura commenced mixing the two liquids.... Which was-- by the way-- a HUGE MISTAKE!!

After a few minutes, there was quite a large explosion in the lab that teachers from the adjacent classes came to see what the commotion was all about. The room was engulfed in a thick grayish-blue smoke. And Sakura—and her surrounding—was now covered in a blue slimy substance. Sasuke knowing what would have happened, moved back to a safe distance and was thus not covered in slime

"You JERK!" Sakura yelled not caring about the fact that there were tons of teachers around. "Was this your way of taking revenge?" Sakura was very frustrated.

"Whatever are you talking about? I never actually asked you to mix the two liquids" Sasuke reasoned with a smile (an evil, evil grin actually).

"I don't care whose fault it was..." Kakashi began "both of you, the principal's office."






Haruka glared intently at the guy seated across the table. If glares could kill said person would've dropped down dead. "Your constant glaring is not going to change my mind" Itachi said finally looking away from his meal. They had somehow reached Kyoto after a long almost painful travel from Osaka. Usually the trip from Osaka to Kyoto took around one hour but due to horrendous climatic changes, the two were stuck in his car for almost four hours. And apparently, sitting idle for a long time was not healthy for Haruka. But that was that and they somehow managed to reach the Uchiha mansion in Osaka in one piece. This mansion was smaller than the one in Tokyo, since no body –but the maids and butler-- stayed here for too long. But there was no denying that this mansion was just as beautiful. Just when he thought everything would go well... Haruka began whining ... about the most childish thing in history –or so he thought.

"Why?! I really want to go to this amusement park!" she whined whilst pouting. The pout...the irritating thing that worked almost all the time in convincing him... but not this time.

"No way!" he had important business to attend to and there was no way she could convince him to go to this place. She had to go out that morning to buy supplies and somehow come across some fool who gave Amusement park tickets for free... how annoying!!

"But... it is SO boring in here. I have nothing to do and being stuck around an arrogant workaholic is not healthy!!" Haruka continued. Mikoto had somehow managed to buy her tickets to the amusement park so as to drive her son slightly away from work and she didn't want to ruin it for that lady. She'd lied to him about where she'd got the tickets but it was a white lie, it couldn't possibly do any harm!

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