The God of Good Looks

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The walk back to the dragon is a long and saddening one, but also slightly happy. When I really thought about it, she didn't deserve all the curse of immortality. All I could think of was Calypso, and how she would fall in love with those heroes who had to leave her, and how it was pretty much going to be the same for me. But that's okay, because I've dealt with pain before like this. I mean, after she dies, I'm probably going to go ask the gods if I can be the god of, like, hotness, or Official Bad Boy Supreme or something.
I will be the god of...wait for it...good looks!
Oh wait, there's an Aphrodite for that. Oops.
Even though all those things were running through my head, I still felt the inevitable sadness in the pit of my stomach, and no matter how much I tried to ignore it, it wouldn't go away. I knew now that I was going to have to lose her someday, and that feeling of knowing someone you love is going to die and you have to spend the rest of your life with your last memory of them being them dying in your arms, watching them take their last, gasping breath of air knowing that there's nothing you can possibly do to save them is the uttermost helpless and depressing feeling in the world. What's worse is having to possibly explain where you were and why you didn't tell her you were going on a walk and 'what's wrong you haven't been yourself lately?' That made me tense up a bit.
Luckily, everyone was asleep when I got back, and I quietly crawled up Festus and into the carrier, completely unnoticed. I found the hidden door in the carrier, and then I opened it to get out more of those caffeine patches. I had a lot of work to do tonight, and I wasn't going to sleep. I put the caffeine patches on-four of them over the big vein on my neck this time- and took out my notebook and pencil. When everyone else was asleep, I drew up some blueprints for some ideas I had like the house I've always wanted to build, her one year anniversary present (which I am not gonna say because I have no clue what it's going to be yet, but it'll be big!) some things I want to build in the shop, and...well, something I've wanted to do for a long time.
I want to figure out how to make WiFi safe for demigods, so I can download songs for her anywhere and anytime. So I can show her all the stupid viral videos people put up that she'd laugh at. So I can find one million things to made her smile, and maybe-just maybe-that one thing to make her so happy she'd kiss me again just so I can have a refresher on what it feels like. Well, I think she wouldn't mind a kiss from Bad Boy Supreme as much as I wouldn't mind one from her.
In the mixture of those thoughts, I remembered that she had wanted me to sleep...even though I was afraid to, her words echoed across my thoughts, and I didn't want to see her unhappy. I did a risky thing.
I took off the caffeine patches and braced myself for the nightmares.
But nothing could have prepared me for what I was about to see.
**thanks for all the support with my tough time, it's good to know that you fans are listening and care :)**

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