Possible Fusions

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To understand my reasoning you have to know of the chakras and placement of gems. Rose(Heart, Root, Sacral, and Solar plexus), Garnet( Hands and Root), Pearl ( Crown), Amethyst( Heart and third-eye), Peridot(Crown, Heart, and Solar Plexus), Jasper (Solar Plexus), and Lapis(Throat/ Brow)

Picture go from left to right then down! Last one is the biggest(Blue Tourmaline)!

Garnet-Rose:I think it will be Rhodolite because it connects the heart chakra, base chakra, and crown chakra. Rose is the Heart, Ruby is base, Sapphire is crown(it awakens the crown). It is also called the Rose stone while also being a type of Garnet. It also has the -ite that thee-way or more fusions have.

Pearl-Garnet:Almandite is known as a Stone of Tangible Truth. It assists in manifesting a realistic version of the physical world. Its energy helps alleviate worry, panic and fear, and assists in maintaining a calm connection to the present. It allows one to perceive the absolute support of the Universe. Its intellectual properties also make it useful to those exploring the fields of astronomy, astrology, and mathematics. It connects the base chakra(Garnet) to the crown chakra(Pearl).

I think it will be Charoite.This stone embodies a unique synthesis between the Crown(Pearl) and Heart Chakras(Rose and Amethyst), bringing high spiritual energy into union with unconditional love from the physical plane, and grounding it here on Earth where it is needed most. It conveys the message that one is exactly where one should be during this moment. It is a talisman of acceptance and letting go; a "bestower of good," encouraging service to humanity, and for attaining approval of the Self.

Garnet-Amethyst-Rose:Rubellite Tourmaline, also known as Red Tourmaline, is a stone of the perfected heart - one that is strong, vital, and full of passion for love and life. This combination of vibrant pink and ruby red color energy creates a vibrational pattern that resonates deeper with the Heart Chakra than other heart-stones. It links not only to the heart of the Earth, but opens to love that goes beyond human relationships and reaches out to the Universe.
Rubellite stimulates not only the Heart Chakra(Rose and Amethyst), but the Root Chakra(Garnet) as well, bringing an increased flow of prana, or life-force energies, to nurture and heal the emotional body. Its grounding influence increases a zest for living and for lively interaction with others. It helps revitalize passion and joy in sexuality, and aids in making dedicated commitments based on love.

Amethyst-Rose:Lepidolite is variety of mica. It is stone of calm, trust, and acceptance. It has a strong relaxing, balancing and calming effect. It brings hope in dark times by lending a sense of balance and calm. Lepidolite is a stone of transformation in that it helps one get through transitions with trust that everything will ultimately turn out for the best. It engenders and enhances self-love, patience, and optimism. It is a stone primarily of the Heart Chakra(Rose and Amethyst). When combined with rubellite (adding Garnet) it is an even more powerful agent for calming and healing, especially in the emotional areas.

Pearl-Garnet-Rose:Bixbite is a rare and remarkable find, a passionate Earth stone of physical vitality and action. Its metaphysical energies make it the perfect "Right Time" Crystal, lending wisdom and self-confidence in knowing "the right time" to change one's mind, change one's direction, or to "do" something. It imparts strength of purpose and courage, and can spark the action needed to overcome undesirable circumstances, or lend the vigor needed to tackle long-overdue projects.
The dynamic vibration of Red Beryl also makes it a powerful protector and healer, blending the energies of the (Pearl) Crown, (Amethyst) Heart and (Garnet) Root Chakras in drawing Life Force from the Earth. It expands the innate qualities of unconditional love and respect for all of life, and encourages harmony, cooperation and compatibility with others. In intimate relationships it can stir the fires of passion, and provide the courage to make deep emotional commitments.

Lapis-Pearl:Aquamarine is associated with the Throat chakra (Lapis) and connects to the crown chakra (Pearl) Aquamarine helps overcome the fear of speaking, and is an excellent stone for teachers and presenters of all types. It relaxes speakers to a stage of consciousness in which they are fully aware of their own truths, wisdom and feelings, and able to articulate them with clarity and conviction. It also allows one to speak clearly and without anger in difficult situations.
Aquamarine accelerates the intellectual reasoning processes and enhances the ability for rapid response. It makes one unconquerable through learning, not only about the physical world, but about oneself. It bestows perseverance, discipline and light heartedness.
Aquamarine encourages the ideal of service to the world and to the development of a humanity attuned to healing. It emits a gentle and compassionate energy, promoting moderation and responsibility for ones' actions. It inspires judgmental people to be more tolerant, and helps those overwhelmed by responsibility to find order.
A stone of natural justice, Aquamarine utilizes compromise and negotiation, and gives quiet courage and clear reasoned words in confrontational situations.

Lapis-Pearl-Amethyst: Tanzanite aids in sharing spiritual information and knowledge from a heart-centered perspective, making it an excellent crystal for counselors or others in the position of intellectually interpreting emotional experiences. It also benefits empathetic individuals who form interpretations of emotional information they receive intuitively. Uses the Throat(Lapis), Crown(Pearl), and Heart(Amethyst) chakras.

Amethyst-Lapis:Blue Tourmaline evokes the tranquility of deep blue water and gliding well beneath its surface. It invites surrender of all thought to the solitude of a liquid silence, a graceful world of letting go then rising towards the light.Blue Tourmaline is a crystal of Spirit and peace, providing for deep meditation and bringing past hurts to the surface for healing. It encourages the release of emotional bonds and frees the mind to explore a higher consciousness and spiritual connection.Blue Tourmaline increases the ability for clear and honest communication, and lends the courage to speak from the heart. It encourages an open mind and tolerance for others' differences and weaknesses, embracing a love for truth, ethics, and a sense of responsibility and service to humanity. It promotes living in harmony with all aspects of one's environment. A crystal of the Throat( Lapis) and Third Eye Chakras(Amethyst), Blue Tourmaline, especially in darker shades, increases access to higher levels of intuition and may amplify the psychic gifts of clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, prophecy, and spirit communication. It is highly beneficial to those who wish to become channels or mediums, and assists in processing impressions received from other realms and allowing them to flow out through verbal communication.

A/N: I'll do a continuation in a later chapter!

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