Chapter 13

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Thoughts before the temptation takes over.

So I guess it was something I've always wanted to do. You know, run away. Run away from all my duties, all my worries, all my problems. It seemed to solve everything. I could live my life for me how I wanted to. In a way, it was selfish. I had responsibilities, people I'd be leaving behind. It was reckless too, just dropping everything, putting my old life on hold. But I did it all in the name of freedom.

Why live, if you're not living the way you want to? Shouldn't you be able to enjoy your own life and do what you love? I couldn't do that. I was always in a cage, always being held back by my past and by the  circumstances of other people. Always being forced into doing some thing or other, not living for myself but catering for the people around me too. It would be very selfish indeed, but I've always been held back. By Stacey, for example. By my shyness back in those days. And just when I thought I was free again, my parents made a comeback.

Now what?

It was selfish leaving them there, but I didn't think about it too much. All they put me through was enough. I can't deal with these emotions anymore, and I need a great escape. Running away had run through my mind many times, but did I actually think it was possible? Tangible? No.
Not until Diego made it seem so possible, so close I could almost taste freedom. If I did this, I'd be free and I could do anything. Nothing would be impossible. I could forget about all my problems and my past.

What about the  consequences? What about....
I had to do this. This is too tempting to pass up.

I'm going to run away today, with my friends.
I don't know why they're  coming with me, or who or what they're running from. Just knowing that they're coming with me is good enough.

I try not to overthink this, and what I'm leaving behind. I'm doing this, and nothing can stop me. I don't care where I'm going, or how I'm going to get there. All I know is I'm going away.


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