Chapter 9

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I can't believe this. I actually have over 1K reads right now for The Player, The Game, and it's only the second week!!! I would have never thought I'd get to such a high number, I'm so excited for this book guys! I just want to thank you all so so much for the support, please carry on reading and voting! I love you guys ❤️ Oh, and the next few chapters will be based two years ago, so keep that in mind when reading! Also, I'm going to release chapters in batches now instead of single ones, because I feel like I'm starving you guys. Enjoy! xo


Yesterday, Diego had helped my family and I unpack. My parents seemed to like him, he was a good guy. He's my first friend here, and he's actually a boy! And I wasn't afraid to talk to him. Guess I have changed.

Today is going to be the first day in my new school. I wonder what the people are like. I'm actually not scared, at all. I just want to run into my new life with open arms, taking every good thing I can get from it! It's 6am, and school is starting at 9. I woke up early because I really want to make a good impression, and that means fixing my hair most of all. After Diego thought it was a dangerous sea creature, I really needed to work on it!

I had a bathroom in my room, which was very modern and had a shower and a tub. There was a window opposite my shower, so I could watch the ocean while I bathed. I was loving my new house! I hopped into the shower, washing my hair until I was sure it was the cleanest it's ever been. I'm sure my new school will have guys waaay hotter than Tyler. And I'm also sure I'll make a ton of friends better than Stacey! I don't even want a lot of friends, just one good one whom I can trust, and who isn't fake like she was. Ugh! Such a fake goat!

I got out of the shower, drying my hair with a towel. Maybe I should forget about everything that happened. I'm just not going to overthink anything, I mean, I never used to overthink before, so why start now? I won't waste time thinking of useless things that happened in the past. I'm different now!

I wrapped my towel around my waist, and walked over to my closet. I changed quickly, and soon I was ready and the only thing left to do was my hair. Hmm. Straight, or curly? I dried it and combed through it until it was knot free, and put a hot hair iron to it. Straight it will be.


My new school literally looked beachy. It was a big white building surrounded by Palm trees, and the school field had traces of beach sand. A huge archway in front of our school was labelled with a black and white sign that said "Green Palm High". Creative name.

I opened the car door, and got out. I walked up to the car window to say bye to my mom.

"Seeya, mom!" I said to her.

"Will you be fine, sweetie?" She asked me, looking worried.

"Of course!" I said. I think she worried about me because she knew I never wanted to say bye to Stacey, and I never told her why.

"Okay honey, good luck." She told me.

I smiled and turned around, ready to face anything. As I walked under the archway, I noticed a familiar face.

By the giant smile that showed his braces, and messy uncombed hair, I just knew it was Diego. I smiled automatically.

"Layla! What are you doing here?" He asked, smiling as if he didn't know we'd be going to the same school. We talked about which school I'd be going to yesterday, and I was relieved I'd at least know someone!

"Oh my gosh! Diego! What a coincidence!" I said sarcastically.

He laughed. "How are you?"

"I'm good, I'm excited about today." I told him.

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