13 Demon's Trial

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Mature Content Warning! (This chapter contains violence and sexual assault.)


Cerin was still asleep when I got up this morning, but he woke up just in time to see me off. I didn't want to leave him alone, but I don't really have an option since I've used up all of my vacation days at work already.

The day had just been dragging on and on, even more so than usual. Jamie called me during my lunch break to ask if Cerin and I would come over to their place for diner on Christmas Eve. Not having to cook sounded fantastic so I told her we would. I'm sure Cerin will be excited. I have a feeling he's never really celebrated Christmas, since he's a demon and all. That reminds me, I need to start thinking about a gift soon. Maybe I'll just get him a cat. That doesn't sound like that bad of an idea, actually.

I look at the clock on my computer screen. It's almost time for me to go home, finally! Several of my co-works get up to leave and finish up what I'm doing so I can too.

I get down to the lobby, half expecting to see Cerin there, but he isn't. Maybe after our talk Saturday night he's doing better. I really wish he would talk to me more, but I don't pry into his business. I figure he'll tell me when he feels like it.

The walk home feels a little lonely without Cerin, but I take my time watching the sun start to set. When I finally get home, I head up to our floor and think about what we'll have to eat tonight. Maybe we'll just go out somewhere.

I reach our floor and Marcy is standing at the end of the hall. She's been acting really odd lately. She's pretty old, but she's always seemed pretty healthy. I'm not sure what's been going on with her lately. If she's still out there later I'll take her back home and see if I can contact her family.

I go to open the door to my condo and see that the door is unlocked. I can't believe that Cerin actually left the door unlocked. "Cerin, I'm home!" I shout into the silent condo. There's no response so I go into the bedroom to see if he's napping. There's no sign of him though so I walk through the rest of the house just to check. In the kitchen there is a note on the counter from Cerin.

'Went out to the store. I'll be back in a bit.'

"That's odd." I say to myself. Cerin just went to the store a few days ago, we shouldn't need anything. I have a bad feeling about this so I decide to walk down to the store to see if he's there.

I stop suddenly when I hear the door creak open. I walk towards the entrance expecting it to be Cerin, but no one is there. "Hello," I shout, "is someone there?" When no one answers I start to move closer to the door. Perhaps I just didn't shut it all of the way. I hear something behind me and turn quickly to see what it is but everything goes dark before I can see it and I have no time to shout for help.

I feel my head throbbing before I can see anything. I open my eyes to a dim room. Most of the light is coming from the evening sky that's pouring through a frosted window up ahead. It looks like a scene from a horror film. The floor is dust and there are a few desk scattered here and there, most are falling apart.

"You said we just needed to talk?" a voice shouts from the distance. Cerin? That sounds like him! I try to shout out to him but there is something around my mouth. I can't seem to move either.

There are footsteps that seem to be getting closer. I shake my head, trying to get a hold of my surroundings. "Luke?" That's defiantly Cerin again. "You bastards! Why did you bring him here? He's human, he shouldn't be here!"

"Oh, are we suddenly concerned with the rules or are we scared somethings going to happen to him?" asks a young woman.

I blink a few times and can see slightly better. What is this, some kind of weird dream? The woman who was just talking is standing in front of me. She looks familiar, I think I've seen her around the neighborhood before.

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