7 Demon Next Door

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Mature Content Warning! (in between the --)


"That meal was amazing! I can't believe I ate all of that by myself." Cerin says while twirling around me.

"I'm glad you liked it." I respond. "Want to walk around town for a little while? It's changed so much since I've been gone yet it's all the same buildings and streets."

Cerin nods happily and grabs onto my arm waiting for me to lead the way. He's still wearing a white scarf tied behind his ears and the evening breeze tugs at his black hair and ruffled shirt. I start walking in the direction of the park when Cerin lets out an excited screech.

"Cerin, what is it?" I spin around to see Cerin pointing excitedly at the shop window across the street. A litter of white and grey kittens are pawing at each other fighting for a toy mouse.

There go my plans.

Cerin doesn't say a word and I find myself being pulled backwards toward the pet shop. Dear god, Cerin is strong when he wants to be!

The doors open and the sounds puppies whining and birds chirping surrounds me. Cerin still refuses to release my arm and I have no choice but to follow behind.

"Luke, Luke! Look at the kittens!" Cerin pushes his face against the metal bars. If they weren't there he'd already have every single one of them in his arms. "Aren't they just adorable?"

"Uhh, yeah,they're really cute."

A woman walks up to us with a wide grin, "Can I help you two find anything? Are you interested in adopting a kitten today?"

"Yes!" and "No!" spew from both of our mouths almost simultaneously. The woman looks a tad confused but still smiles at Cerin.

"Do you want to hold one then?" she asks him. Cerin's eyes grow wide and he manages to muster a 'Mhm' and nothing more.

The woman pulls out a fluffy, pure white kitten and hands it to Cerin who holds it to him like it's his own child. The kitten squirms around and sinks its teeth into Cerins flesh. Unfazed, Cerin continues to cuddle it while the woman starts apologizing. Cerin finally gives the kitten up when he realizes that blood is pouring from his hand and he doesn't want the cat to get it's pretty fur dirty.

While the woman disinfects Cerins hand and put's a bandage on it, I walk over to a pin with bunnies in it and reach down to pet one. They scatter but eventually come back after I sit there for awhile. I use to have a rabbit growing up. He was skittish at first too, but warmed up to me eventually. I stroke the little black and white bunny that's brave enough to let me.

Cerin wanders over to where I'm at with a pink band-aid covered in paw prints over the bite mark which is probably nearly healed by now.

"These are cute too!" he says, bending down to get a better look. "What are they?"

"You've never seen a rabbit before?!" I ask, shocked.

"I have! I just didn't know what they were called! I don't get out much." he sticks his hand in the pin and the bunny I'm petting hops over to him and crawls under his hand.

"He must like you."

"Really?" Cerin looks excited but keeps calm so he doesn't scare the little creature. "It's so soft, and little."

"It kind of looks like you."


"It's a compliment. It's hair is the same color as yours and you both have big eyes and pointy ears..."

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