12 The Demon's Dilemma

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I wake up alone in the bed. The smell of pancakes drifts through the air and I get up immediately and go to the kitchen. Luke is sitting at the table reading the news on his phone with an empty plate in front of him. He glances over at me and smiles. "Good morning Sleeping Beauty." he jokes. "I already got dressed and cooked and ate breakfast." he says. "There are still some pancakes left in the kitchen."

"Mhm, thank you." I yawn. I grab the last three pancakes and the syrup and sit down at the table. Luke puts down his phone to talk to me.

"Did you sleep okay last night." he asks. I nod my head 'yes' since my mouth is full of food. Luke laughs a little at me. "I was wondering if you wanted to go out today." he says. "I'm pretty much caught up on my work and thought that we could do a little sight seeing. I haven't been to the park in a long time and figured we could go there for a little while."

"Mmm, okay." I say. I'm just happy that Luke's home today. I really don't care where we go or what we do.

Luke takes my plate away from me as I shove the last bite of pancakes into my mouth. "Now, go get ready!" he yells at me from the kitchen.

I scurry back to the bedroom to grab some clothes and then to the bathroom to fix my hair.

"Ready?" he asks as he adjusts the beanie on my head and the scarf around his neck.

"Hmm, yep!" I say after making sure I have all of my things.

We leave the condo and I'm tempted to check the door once more to make sure it's locked, but I don't remembering the talk Luke and I had last night. The building is rather quiet, especially to be a Sunday afternoon. Outside is a different story though. People move around everywhere and we pass quite a few families that appear to be going to church, something that I won't ever do. There are also Christmas decorations on nearly every other shop window. Christmas seems far away, but I guess some people are just really excited for it.

Luke offers me his hand and I gladly take it. The air is cold and even with all of my clothes I can still feel it. I walk close to Luke for warmth. He laughs and wraps his arm around my shoulders.

We make our way towards the park, dodging people and cars as we go. As crowded as the streets are, the park is relatively empty except for the occasional biker and dog walkers that go by. Luke pulls me over to a bench and we sit down for a little while.

"Want to go ice skating?" Luke asks.

"Ice skating? Like on ice?" I question. I've heard of ice skating, but there aren't any frozen lakes around here.

"Yeah, there's an ice skating rink not far from here." he says. "Want to go?"

I nod, even though I'm still a little confused. Luke looks excited though and stands up, pulling me with him.

When we get there I see that it's a giant ring of man made ice. There's a few groups of people already there skating. Luke walks up to a woman standing behind a booth and walks back with skates for both of us.

I excitedly put mine on and waited for Luke. He watched me with amusement as I took a step out onto the ice. My legs failed me and I felt the cold underneath me before I realized I had fallen. Luke stepped out behind me, a little shaky at first but he clearly knew what he was doing. He helped me up only so that I could loose my balance again and I leaned against the side rail.

"Are you okay?" Luke asks while holding back a smile.

I ignore his grin. "It's harder than it looks." I push my hair back behind my shoulders and straighten up. I can balance myself on nearly anything, it just threw me off guard! Now that staying up is not an issue, I just have to figure out how to move.

I watch all of the other skaters go by and watch how they push themselves forward. I decide to give it a try and start out slowly. I wobble slightly at first but I quickly get the hang of it.

Luke looks slightly impressed. "You're pretty good at this considering you were on your butt just a few minutes ago."

I send a smirk in his direction, "I just did that to make you look better."

Luke snorts a little and I can't help but find it cute. He picks up the pace and glides past me. I push off and move up beside him. He looks a little shocked when he realizes that I'm keeping up with him. We have to slow down and stop for a large group ahead. However, I'm still not sure how to stop.

I panic when I realize that I'm about to run into a small child and instinctively grab onto something to help me stop. Unfortunately, the nearest object happens to be Luke. In one swift moment I fall backwards and pull the unaware Luke down on top of me.

"You jerk!" he shouts sarcastically. "I treat you with kindness and this is how you repay me?"

"Kindness? If you were truly kind you would have let me fall on you!"

I let out an unmanly giggle as people skate past the two of us tangled together on the ground yelling sarcastically at each other. Luke gives me a quick peck on the cheek before helping me up, once again.

After a few more laps around the ice and several almost accidents, Luke asks if I want to go get warmed up. The thought of warmth sounds wonderful right now and I let Luke lead the way to a small corner coffee shop. I'm not really sure what Luke just ordered for me to drink, but it taste nice and it's hot, so I don't really care and just thank him for it. Luke gets something too and we sit down together.

"See, isn't it nice just getting out of the house for a little while?" he asks. I nod in agreement. I feel relaxed for the first time in awhile, but the thought of being alone at home again tomorrow feels like a weight in the pit of my stomach.

The entire walk home, the thought that Luke will leave in the morning keeps replaying in my mind. I know that they'll come again and with each passing day they seem to be getting angrier and angrier. The last thing I want is for something to happen to Luke. I need to do something, but I don't know what.

A/N: Hello everyone! Thank you all for reading, I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate every vote, comment, and view. As I've said before, this story is coming to a close. I hope you've all enjoyed it so far and like the next two chapters just as much!

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