4 Innocent Demon

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Let's see, five pairs of pants, six shirts, a jacket, two pairs of shoes, some hats, and underwear.

"Luke, I-I think this is more than enough." I say to Luke who is currently looking through more shirts.

"We still have one more store to go to!" he says without even looking my direction. Don't get me wrong. I enjoy all of this attention, but I think Luke is getting a little too into this. Not to mention I'm completely confused by all of this fashion. I picked out a really cute dress at the first store we went to. It reminded me of one I saw on the Fashion Network the other day. So, I tried it on and ran to show Luke. He got all red in the face and said that he'd pick out my clothes for me. I thought that was the latest fashion, but what do I know, I've only lived here for a few weeks.

"Luke, I really don't need all of these." I try to tell him as he hands me another outfit to try on.

"Just hush! You don't have anything and I'm not letting you go around naked." I try giving him a puppy dog face, but he just dismisses me. We've been shopping since this morning and I must admit that I'm getting a little tired, but I decide to not tell Luke. He's still full of energy and is having fun. I've noticed recently that I get tired easily. I think I just need to adjust, I hope it isn't permanent and not because I've lost my powers.

I try on another two outfits and Luke picks out what he likes and doesn't like before finally agreeing that we've done enough shopping for the day. "Want to go get something to eat?" I nod excitedly at the thought of food and Luke just laughs. I love seeing him smile like that and I'm happy that I make him laugh, even though I rarely mean to.

The city was crowded compared to the night before, Luke says that it's always like this on Saturday afternoons. Sporting a new grey beanie, plain white shirt with a red jacket, and black pants I cling on to Luke's blue sweater to keep from getting separated. We stop at a small cafe and inside it is fairly quiet. Everyone is either reading or chatting among friends, only a few people look up at us when we enter.

After we finish eating we take the subway train back to the condo. Before going in I stop and listen. Last night I heard someone whisper my name, it could have been just my imagination, but I'm keeping watch just in case. I don't want to worry Luke, but I also don't want anything to happen to him or anyone else living in the building. It's dangerous staying in such a crowded place, anyone could be possessed and spirits can easily blend in. I don't hear anything, though, and follow behind Luke into the building. Once we were in our own home Luke took the bags I had been carrying and went to set them down. I sprawl out on the couch after taking off my shoes and hat and I look up at the ceiling. The room is filled with a gold light and I realize that the sun is starting to set. I feel something brush against my leg and jump a little.

"Sorry, did I startle you?" Luke asks in his calming tone.

"Oh, no it's fine." my mind drifts back to to three nights ago. I told Luke what I was, but he wasn't frightened, or at least he didn't show it. I wanted to wrap myself around him right then. That evening I kissed him, and he kissed me back. He actually kissed me back! I don't think he knows it, but I felt like my heart was going to burst with joy. Something that I've only felt a few time in my life. He stopped himself though. He hasn't looked at me the same since then. I'm not sure if it's fear or guilt that he feels. I just want to hold him again.

As if he was reading my thoughts, I feel something heavy on my chest and open my eyes to see Luke inches from my face. "You look sad, is something wrong Cerin?" his voice is full of worry and as selfish as it sounds, I like it. I gaze at him for a minute before wrapping my arms around his neck. He doesn't reject me, but leans down so our lips meet.

My Personal Little Devil (boyxboy)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon