2.5 He's a Human

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How long's it been now? Only a week and a half. I feel like it's been longer, but I know it hasn't. I'm living among humans. It's not something I'm doing by choice, but believe me when I say it's my only option. To be honest, I don't want to talk about my past much, it just hurts, but I know I will have to let it out at some point. I'm a spirit, a demon, and I've done bad things before. Horrible, horrible things. I've watched women and children burn to death while their fathers and husbands were forced to watch! I didn't think anything of it. When you are raised being taught that humans are just play things and hurting them is fun, it's what you do.

Before this whole incident of me living with mortals happened, I changed first. I was tired, to say the least. Everyone told me I'd settle down if I just focused on my job or that I'd be happy if I torched some more helpless souls. It didn't work. I became depressed, something that demons never become. Why? Because we find depression entertaining, or at least we should. I looked up to the human world, it was so bright and cheerful compared to mine. I'd give anything, for the warmth of something living, something that had the capability of love and kindness. That's where I messed up.

You see, demons are portrayed as these fear inducing, unstoppable creatures. When in actuality, they're the ones living in constant fear. They don't understand human emotions, it scares them terribly. Not because they could be hurt by it, but because they can't comprehend the want to protect someone or hold someone dear in their arms. I, though, envied humans from the moment I came into existence, but I tried to hide it for as long as I could. Then I slipped up. They knew I'd been wandering off when everyone was busy, they just didn't know where. When they found out I was spending my time watching humans it was almost like a bounty was put on my head.

I ran as far as I could. You can only run from demons for so long. A week and a half ago, one of them finally found me. I remember trying to stand my own against the much larger demon. I'm strong, yes, but I was tired from the constant running and in a matter of minutes I was hurled from atop a building down to the human world below. There's a rule that all spirits must follow, you don't touch the human realm with your real body. This is to keep people with horns and massive fangs from wandering around. With this, I had broken two rules and I knew the chances of being allowed back home would be close to none. It was both lucky and unlucky for me. I was in the world that I had always want to belong to. On the downside I knew that spirits everywhere would still be on the look out for me and I'd end up living a normal mortal lifespan. The thoughts scared me at first I didn't know what to expect, but as I lay on the cold hard ground the only thing that was running through my head was, "I don't want to die here, not like this."

After that I started to black out. I tried to fight it, going in and out of consciousness. I felt something warm lift me from the ground and carry me inside. My powers were fading and I saw lights flickering around me. It was because of me, my body was trying to take in what energy it could, but I only wanted them to stop. My head was pounding and the lights only made it worse. I felt something soft underneath me, but still everything hurt. Someone, I couldn't tell who, was talking to me. Someone had found me! "I'll go get some help okay, you just stay here." it was a worried voice. It couldn't go. I couldn't let it get others, not while I was like this. There might still be other spirits still hunting me at this very moment, too. I couldn't stand the thought of this poor human,  who was trying so hard to help me, getting killed because of me. I shouted, "No!" as loud as I could and it surprised me when it only came out in a whisper. My throat was crushed and it was near impossible to breath or talk. 

The human came over to me and I grabbed them suddenly. I used what little power I had left to silence them and I only managed to put them to sleep for a few hours. I had overestimated my strength. I thought that I would be able to get away from the humans so they would be out of harms way, but in the end I only made it to the door, nearly crawling just to get there. I passed out again from the pain and didn't come to until the next morning. There was a human, a man, it was the one from the night before, and that's all I could tell, it still hurt to move.

I felt a stinging pain on my leg. I cried out in pain. The man was still there, he hadn't run away, and now he was leaning over me washing one of the many gashed on my legs. He assured me that he was only helping and I didn't have the strength to fight back. He went over every cut he could find and cleaned each one. By the time he finished I was almost numb to the pain. Once he was done he looked at me with dissatisfaction. He lifted me in his arms and I could feel my bones shift under my skin. Before I knew what was going on I was slumped over in a tub with warm water being sprayed on me. I was exposed and there was nothing I could do to shield myself. The man continued to wash me and then he dried me off. I still couldn't focus quite enough to take in my surroundings. 

The man then asked me if I was hungry. It was the first time I had felt hunger. My body had never actually needed food before and now, with my powers drained from me and my body unusable, I could feel the gnawing pain of hunger in my stomach. I ate everything the man brought me and I was still hungry, but I was in no mood to beg for more. I only felt a little better after eating. The man brought human attire and helped dress me. For the first time I could see the man clearly. He was a neat and professional looking young man. His hair was golden and cut short and his eyes were a deep green. He was much taller than me when he stood, but though he looked tough on the outside I could tell that he was quite the opposite on the inside. I liked him right away, but I was still cautious as to why this stranger would take care of me with out a second thought. 

He turned to me suddenly, "So, what's your name?" I didn't feel like talking, but telling him name was the least I could do. "Cerin." I told him in my hoarse voice. "What is your name?" I asked him back. "Luke." was all he said and he looked at me with a worried expression. "What are you Cerin?" he finally asked. I knew this question was coming, but I still didn't know what to tell him. Mortals are unaware of our existence and what they do know of us are horror stories. "Can you tell me where you came from at least?" he said, interrupting my thought. Hell. How do you say that? I point down since that's what humans refer to as hell. He looked confused and shocked at the same time. I tried to say, "Hell." but it came out as a whisper and I'm not sure if he could even hear it.

I needed to get out of here as soon as possible, the fear of being attacked again loomed in the back of my mind. I stood, trying to test my legs, but to my disappointment they buckled  and I nearly fell. The man, Luke, grabbed me. "You don't have to force yourself to walk." he said. I leaned into him, feeling his warmth, and I could hear his heart beating in his chest. For the first time in my life I willingly gave in. 

The man led me to the couch where I ended up spending the next few days. With out my power it took longer than usual for me to heal. Luke took care of me. It felt...nice having someone ask you how you feel and then doing what they to make you feel even better. I wanted to spill my heart out to the man and tell him about myself, but I knew that would be unwise.  

During the day I would just sleep, too tired to stand up, or I would watch TV. I found that Luke came home around the same time everyday and I'd try to wake up to greet him every time. By the end of the week I could move around better. It still hurt, but I could manage just fine. That evening when Luke came home he walked over to me to check on my wounds. He reached out to touch me and without a second thought I grabbed him and pulled his lips to mine. I told him it was only a thanks, but in reality it was much more. In the spirit world a kiss marks a deal. With that, I made sure that no one could touch him without going through me first. It may have just me being selfish or foolish, but I wanted to claim him as mine whether he wanted me to or not. 

A/N: I was going to post this as Ch.3, but it's a little shorter than I usually write and I thought it fit in with Ch.1 and Ch.2, so I decided to go ahead and post it. Now you can see Cerin's side of the story. 


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