6 Demon in Disguise

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Luke paces around nervously, stopping to dig through our luggage. He's been like this since yesterday.

"Luke, why don't you try to calm down?" I say while adjusting the scarf I have tied around my head. If only I had some of my power back already I wouldn't have to wear stuff like this every single day! Oh well, I don't look half bad.

"You know, we don't have to go." Luke says with little enthusiasm.

"Luke! It's your family. Besides, we are already at the station. I doubt that your family is that bad!" I say. "On the bright side they can't be worse than my family!"

"Your family?" he questioned.

"Yep! I never met my father and my mother kept trying to eat me so I had to move out when I was little." I say recalling horrible memories.

"Your mother tried to eat you?" his face twist into a shocked expression.

"Yeah, she had too many children." I say. "Anyway, we need to go or we'll miss the train."

Luke finally gets up and grabs our bags and I run behind him with the tickets.

The train ride is long, just like I thought it would be. Luke sleeps most of the time so I have no one to talk to. My mind keeps wandering around and I can't stand when it does that! But, we finally make it.

"Luke! Come on, let's go!"

"My brother said he was going to meet us here. Just be patient." I can tell Luke is not excited at all, but I can't help but feel all tingly inside. I mean, a real family! I'm going to see a real family!

Luke's voice knocks me out of my daze, "You have the hotel papers in your bag, don't you?" I nod and dig through the pocket on my suitcase to find the papers and directions that Luke had given me earlier.

"I've never stayed at a hotel before!" I say excitedly.

"Well you've never had a reason to. Anyway, it's not that exciting." he pauses for a moment and glances down at me. "Though I'm sure you'll manage to somehow find it fascinating." Luke's phone buzzed and he picked up his bag and mine and we head out the station.

We step out into the fresh air and Luke is greeted with a bear hug from a much larger man. It has to be his little brother since their eyes are the same vibrant green, but there's nothing little about him. A petite brown haired woman smiles widely behind him.

"Brother! It's been such a long time!" comes a deep voice from the man.

"It hasn't even been a year." Luke huffs struggling in the embrace. He finally gets loose and directs his attention to the woman. "It's nice to see you again, Lina. You look as lovely as ever." The girl smiles in return and gives Luke a hug as well. 

"Who have we here?" the man asks as though he's just noticed me. 

"Ah, sorry, this is Cerin. And Cerin this is my brother Jack and his fiance Lina." Luke says. 

"What a pretty young lady! I'm surprised, I thought you were into boys for awhile there. I didn't think you could land someone this cute. Mom will sure be happy. Is she one of those models you work with?" Jack asks. 

Wait, did he just call me a 'young lady?' 

"I, um, thanks? Uh..." Luke attempts to force something out.

"I think there's been a miss understanding." I say. 

Jack's face shows his confusion, "That's not the little voice I was expecting." 

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