❄ 9 ❄️ Ruby's Ultimatum Vs. Rhys' Reaction❄️

Start from the beginning

"No. I'm going to pull out all of her ugly, grey hair!" Ruby shouted in reply.

Before Wren or Briar could retort, Rhys stepped in front of them, a faint growl rumbling from his chest.

"I told you before, Ruby. I'd rather hang out with her than you." he spat at her.

"Oh, we'll see about that," Ruby replied maliciously, a triumphant smirk playing on her lips.

Wren glared at the other girl before placing her hand on Rhys's arm. He turned his head to look at her, his gold eyes softening.

"Let's go," she said to him in a low voice.

He nodded his head in agreement, slipped his arm around her waist, and began steering her towards the school building. Halfway down the walkway, three male students stepped in front of them, blocking their path. Wren's ice blue eyes widened as she recognized them as Declan Banister, Lennon Adams, and Simeon Dyer. At the sound of her almost gasp, Rhys stopped walking and glared at the trio before him. Silence echoed around the now quiet campus as the students watched the scene unfold.

"So you're the little punk who took us out on Thursday?" Lennon growled as he glared back at him.

Rhys' lips drew up in a sinister smirk. "Here in the flesh."

A small smile tugged at Wren's lip and Lennon's eyes flickered over to her. Her face burned as his eyes lowered to roam over her figure. As his eyes met hers again, she lifted her chin in defiance and glared back at him. He chuckled softly, the sound slightly menacing.

"A bit feistier than the last time, isn't she boys?" he asked his friends.

Simeon and Declan both laughed along with him. Rhys growl rumbled low in his chest, drawing the attention of the boys. Lennon glowered at him as Scarlett and her friends came to stand behind him.

"Get her," he ordered them, jerking his chin at Wren.

What happened next happened so fast, she swore that it was like a movie, and whoever was watching this scene had pressed the fast forward button. Simeon and Declan launched themselves towards her, Rhys shoved her out of the way and she fell to the hard concrete ground with a yelp of pain. Declan was suddenly on the ground beside her, looking slightly dazed as Simeon fell a few feet away, knocked out cold, while Rhys had Lennon in a tight headlock. Her Evilness and her Demonesses swooped down on Wren, their expressions filled with malicious intent. Before the girls could touch her, the fairy twins pushed them out of the way.

Many of the students were now screaming and yelling, either horrified at the sudden escalation of the fight or egging the boys on. The sirens of police squad cars blared over the noise, someone must have called them. Teachers raced out of the building to calm the chaos that had broken out across the campus. The Headmaster's deep, a baritone voice boomed loudly over all other noise.

"Adams! Vulcan! Break it up!" he yelled at the fighting boys, trying to break them apart.

Briar and Bell helped Wren to her feet as Qiana, Emma and Patience hurried over to join them. The girls all watched as Headmaster Boatwright struggled to separate Lennon and Rhys. After a few grunts and swears from Lennon and Headmaster Boatwright, Wren decided to take things into her own hands. She placed her fingers to her lips and whistled shrilly. All noise ceased, except for the blaring sirens, and the trio in front of her all froze.

Wren glared at them, her ice-blue eyes flashing dangerously, an frosty white color bleaching the edges of her irises, as they all stared at her with wide eyes.

"Rhys! Lennon! Let go of each other." she began in a calm, mellow tone.

Patience, Qiana, Bell, Briar, and Emma all looked at her warily. They knew what would happen whenever she took that tone of voice. Headmaster Boatwright, Lennon, and Rhys continue to stare at her in shock. Wren planted her hands on her hips, raising an ice blonde eyebrow, daring them to challenge her. As they continued to stare, she could feel her temper rising.

"Now!" she shouted at both of them.

Everyone, including the London police, all jumped at the bark of authority in her voice. The trio scrambled apart immediately. Rhys walked over to her side, not meeting her ice-blue eyes. Three police officers stepped forward to arrest Lennon, Declan, and Simeon and read them their restraining orders and rights. Teachers began ushering whispering students into the school building as the first warning bell rang.

Ruby glared at Wren with her darkly before turning away and stalking toward the building with Pearl and Jade following behind her. Wren turned on her heels and followed a few feet behind them as Rhys and the girls silently fell into step behind her. Jack and Patrick joined the silent group as they all continued into the school building. Rhys and Wren parted from the group and made their way to their English class. She walked into the classroom and sat down at her desk. She ignored Rhys as she pulled out the materials.

The room began to fill up and students stared at them as they whispered to one another. As the second warning bell rang, Mr. Jekyll walked into the room. He turned on the overhead and placed a sheet of notes on the projector as he began the lesson.

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