The Fight

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*A Couple Weeks later*
~Gabe's P.O.V.~

This was the last week of school before Winter Break and I was so excited because the guys and I were going to these log cabins with Kécia and some of her friends for the weekend. I hadn't gotten to spend much time with her since she had her baby, especially since she had to makeup her work and finals before Break, but her cousin agreed to take care of Arielle for the weekend so Kécia could go out with us.

"Gabe, aren't you gonna be late?" she asks as I walk her to her fifth hour class and I shake my head "Nope! I'll be on time" I smile cheekily "Really? Because you have to go back downstairs and to the other side of the school" she smirks at the satisfaction of her being right. I stick my tongue out at her before kissing her cheek and walking downstairs to attempt to get to class on time.

As the bell rings, I race to get to my class, but I don't get there before Mr. Harper locks the door and I mumble cuss words, starting for the office to get a late pass when I see Devyn Bess.

"Hey" I say as he walks over to me "what's up, man?" I ask and he punches me in the face "hey, bro, what the fuck?" I ask, grabbing my bleeding nose and he swings at ms again. Soon enough, we're full-out fighting until Staff members tear us away from each other "Stay the fuck away from my girl!" He hisses.

A/N: I know, its a really short chapter. I'm super sorry, but its 3:00AM and I'm cleaning my room while being half asleep. I just wanted to update something really quick. Also, I hope everyone had a great Fourth of July weekend!!

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