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Fifth hour went by quickly and soon enough, I was able to go to lunch. As I walk back downstairs I see Gabe leaning against the wall on his phone with a confused look on his face. "What's up?" I ask and the confused look instantly gets replaced by a smile "It's not important, I'll tell you later" he says and I nod as we begin walking out to the school parking lot and see Diego, Andrew, Malachi, Winnie, and Wolf talking. As we get closer to them, I hear Wolf and Diego arguing and I roll my eyes "they're arguing again" I mumble and he groans.

"Just shut up! I like how I am. Deal with it!" she yells "I don-" I cut Diego off "Just both of you shut the hell up! I'm tired of hearing you fight! This has been going on for almost a year. I understand that you dislike each other and I understand that both of you are friends with each other's friends. But guess what? All of us are tired of hearing you two constantly fighting every single day.

"I would rather have to see Devyn have sex with another girl. Okay? That is how much I hate hearing you two fight. It's bad enough I have to deal with Alecia's thot bitch ass from 7-4 every day, I am NOT listening to you two fight as well." I ended up yelling and they all became silent, looking at me in disbelief as I held my stomach carefully. Even though nobody except Winnie and Wolf knew I was pregnant and I really didn't have much of a baby bump, it'd become a habit I guess.

A/N: #KéciaSlays

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