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Start from the beginning

"Daddy let me goooo." He said and I gave a little shake of my hand that held his neck.

"LJ, shush. You 'ont get to talk."

"I'll get him ready. Give him here." She said as she walked up to me- There was something different about her. I don't know what but there was definitely something... Lemme find out. "I'll give him a bath, then can you get him dressed?"

"Yee, in the mean time I'm gonna be setting up tables and chairs. I got my Not-So-Dream Team comin' over any minute to help." Ty, Trey, August and Breezy. That was my Not-So-Dream Team.

"Have fun."

"You too." She went off inside with the boy while I went around to the storage shed to get out the tables. With how big our family has become, festive events can only be held at Arlie's house or my house since they're the only ones that can sustain all of us, including the extending family of De'Andre, Cedrick, Chris -the normal one-, Darion and LD.

"Let us get the table, Pops. Don't want you to throw out your back." Trey said with a laugh as he came walking in with Breezy to follow.

"Aye Dad." Breezy said as he dapped me.

"Where's the other two? But hey and shut up Trey."

"The other two had to help out Diamond. She locked herself out of her house again so they're gonna break into her house and help her then come here." Breezy said. "Doesn't she have a spare key in her car though?"

"That's what I thought." Trey said. "I don't know, Diamond is a airhead a lot of the time. Shit doesn't process right in her head- especially when she's drunk-"

"She one of those sloppy drunks huh?" I asked and both boys weren't hesitant to nod. "But she fun at parties?" They nodded again. "That was like DeShawn's Mom before she had a DeShawn." I said with a laugh as they carried the first table out. I grabbed a couple chairs at a time and followed along behind 'em. "Is your Mom coming, Breezy?"

"Nah, she's actually in Vegas to visit my Aunt with Christano. My Aunt bein' Lolo's Mom." He called back. "We're putting this on the back porch or?"

"No, take it down to the flat dirt under the tree. It's gonna be way too hot for the back porch." I could hear Ivanna squealing with happiness as she ran up to the boys.

"Hi Beezy! Hi T!" She said as she followed right next to Breezy. "I get to wear Daddy's bandana today, can I have yours too?"

"Hi Ivanna, yee gon' ahead. It's in my back pocket, just give it back later on 'cause I still need it." They set down the table and he of course reached down to give her a hug.

"More tables? And hi Ivanna." Trey said.

"Bring the other big table. So instead of a bunch of small ones, we can just connect to the two long ones- actually bring a smaller one for the little kids." Trey gave a nod and headed back towards the direction of the storage shed, leaving Breezy and I to set up the chairs around the first table.

"Are M.C and Sugar Peach going to be here too?" Ivanna asked as she looked up at Breezy.

"Yup, Vonnie's gonna bring 'em when she comes over a little later and I like your stars, those are dope. Especially the blue one."

"Thank you and when is she coming?" One thing that never gets old, is how Ivanna always has questions. Sometimes she'll even question a question and it reminds me just how innocent she is... And how she'll always remain.


"Lexis, no one's even here?" Nelle Bells said as I walked back into the kitchen. She already had a majority of the food done and things already plastic wrapped... Damn. If I had even tried to cook... I would have probably chopped a finger off.

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