30 - Café Crisis?

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Hello people!

Did ya miss me?

Okay, I think not, but whatever. Here's the chapter and suddenly... BAM!

Crisis, crisis, crisis. It's everywhere in this chapter and in the real world. I thought a good connection would work: Greece crisis that's occurring right now AND poor Charlotte's crisis.

Oh well, let's see what's to come next!


You know how I said that every time I felt as if I had got control into my life... And then suddenly everything is washed away?

I think I just experienced that for the sixtieth time.

Currently, banging on Charles's door wasn't getting him to answer it. Where was he?

Thump, thump, thump!

Answering my quarries, Charles opens the door, frantically trying to understand what I was doing here on a fine morning with bloodshot eyes.

"Charlotte?" Charles frantically says, "what's wrong? Why-"

Before he could finish his sentence, I threw envelopes and papers to his chest. Charles stood there shocked; and I had a feeling he knew what I was upset about.

Confused? Let me roll back to the beginning, from this morning:

In my deep thoughts this morning, I was thinking of what I truly wanted to do to save my cafe from bankruptcy. Oh crap, it's my cafe.

And my cafe is at stake. My life is practically at stake.

Suddenly, the shrill noise of the phone ringing filled the air.

Getting up, I launched myself to get it, wondering who it was. "Hello?" I speak into the phone.

"Hi, this is the bank. Could I please speak to Charlotte?" A deep voice speaks into the phone.

"Yes, this is she."

"We're to confer about your current debt. We were wondering whether the person who was taking control of your accounting was informed of this debt." The man informs me.

"Uh, I actually don't know. Do you happen to know how much the debt is?" I ask shakily. Anticipation curled into my stomach. I had a feeling this wasn't going to be good. But, I internally prayed that the number was low for my standards.

"Four thousand dollars." He replied. His words rang into my ears.

"What?" I asked, not being able to believe what he said. Four thousand dollars.

Four-thousand dollars. That was the debt. How could I let that much money slip under my feet without me knowing? How could I be that distracted that I didn't notice it?

"Four-thousand dollars." The man replied, obeying to my question. I shook my head, furiously, "No, no, no... This can't be true. Are you sure that's what it reads on your database?" Hope. Hope. Hope. Let's hope what he says isn't true. Oh, who am I kidding? It's four-thousand dollars that I am in in debt for and I don't know how this happened.

"Yes, ma'am. Plenty of mail and statements were sent to your address of the cafe you own. Do you know the person who handles your account?" He asks me, making sure I knew the person. Quite frankly I wasn't sure... Could it be Charles? Damn it! Now that I think about it, I'm in deep trouble. I was being utterly careless.

Mails, though. I hadn't received any mail for the past two months. How could I receive mail?

Unless someone took and hid it from me...

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