22 | unpleasant surprises

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22 | unpleasant surprises

The following day, Amanda wouldn't stop hammering me. Well, it's sort of like her job to hound me and find out every single detail of yesterday. I told her, mostly everything and she still won't believe that Nathan didn't kiss me.

It's a first date, Amanda!

"I'll tell you what," Amanda starts as she hands change to the customer and looks back at me, "tonight, just the two of us together, we celebrate the success of this awesome cafe!" She suggest. I shrug, "I don't know, Amanda... I have to work on my driving lessons, I also have some paperwork to do..." I was counting the absurd amount of work I still had left to do.

"You're such a workaholic!" Amanda accused me and I frowned, "I am not!"

"Yes you are!" She retorted.

"Am not!"

"If you aren't then you would come with me for some dinner since we barely spend some time together!" Amanda said and I nodded, "True." I barely did spend time with her since I was wound up in having a self debate whether or not to hire another employee. If I decided to hire the employee, they'd need their salary. What if I wasn't able to provide that for the employee. My next resort was to ask for volunteers, but that would make me look quite desperate and make the cafe look like it's in 'need' of money.

Her hopeful expression made me give in, "Alright, alright, but tomorrow you're gonna have to wash the cats." I put a condition on.

"Deal!" She chirped.

Just then, the door swung open and a few more customers walked in. I took my position ready to start making the order. There were so many things to do around the cafe and the whole cafe still needed some vacuuming to do. This is why I needed an employee to assist me with the daily duties for scrubbing the cats, cleaning after the customers leave since crumbs are left around tables. Things get hectic and Amanda and I cannot reach everywhere.

As I put my thoughts in consideration, while making the order requested, I talk to myself, mumbling in confirmation.

"I really do need a employee and the only person to help me with this, can be a person to hire," I mumble while cutting the bagel in half, "perhaps I need to find a reliable person who can submit a resume and I can hire them."

I smile.

Spreading the cream-cheese between the two bagel slices, I place them on the tray and leave to place the order at the sufficing table.

Amanda was off to mopping the floor, near the restrooms so I took charge of the cash register. Just as I was multitasking I heard a familiar voice.

"A dark roast coffee and a-" I gasped sharply as I turned around and spotted Nathan standing a few feet from me, saying his order.

"Oh gosh Charlotte, what's wrong with you?" Nathan asked as he shook his head. I shook my head when I realized it was him. His presence was overwhelming for me sometimes.

Memories from last night flashed in my brain as I recollected our closeness. The way he held me was intoxicating and his breathe was on fire. I flushed thinking about it and my cheeks became rosy red. Oh god, what was wrong with me?

"Nothing, nothing." I dismissively said.

"Are you sure about that?" He challenged me, oblivious that I was startled by his presence and I gulped. Why wouldn't I be alright, right?

"Y-yeah." I croaked.

Nathan chuckled quietly and went back to his order. "I think I'll have a dark roast coffee and... Hmm..." He looked up to read the menu. I followed his gaze to see what he might possibly want.

The Sun'll Come Out TomorrowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora