02 | people and places

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For the day I sheltered in the mall. I walked into a few stores, took some rest and looked around for any free samplings around the areas. Fortunately, I managed to find a few stores who provided samples and I got to fill my stomach on those. I counted that as my main course for the day.

Back at the orphanage, we used to get breakfast, a late lunch at four o'clock and then snacks at nine o'clock. Most of the children stacked up on the food (as much as they could eat) and so did I. If we didn't get in time for lunch, we'd starve until the next meal. Fortunately, for me, Ms Parker would always have access to the kitchen. She'd bring me some of the left overs if I missed any meals due to sickness or anything. Ms Parker was like kin to me.
Since I was pretty used to having limited food, my appetite wasn't large.

Just as I was about snap out of my thoughts and moving ahead to another store to keep myself busy for the day, a large and stiff body hit me. I widen my eyes in shock because my muscles automatically became sore. I looked up to the tall figure.

"Sorry!" I muttered. I looked up to a male about a little taller than me. He seemed about my age but a little older than me. His blue-green eyes matched mine. His tanned skin reminded me of the women who'd relax on the beach with no worries at all. Somehow, he reminded me of dad. He just had, a thing... That made me feel close to him.

I looked back to the boy who seemed to have said something while I was in my trance. His sharp eyebrow was raised. I let out a cough, "Um, could you repeat that... please?"

"You dropped your things." He pointed out. I looked to my suitcase on the floor and a bag filled with a few groceries I bought earlier. The bread was squished. I gasped in horror. That costed so much and now it's all ruined! I couldn't take my eyes off the the damaged bread. The boy kept his eyes on me.

Well aren't you helpful?

I bent down to pick the groceries up and place the bread in my bag. I was in dismay and pain. There goes a waste of food and money! Some of the money I saved up was used for the food I bought today.

The boy groaned, "Is there anything I can do for you?" He asked loosening up. The boy must have noticed my shocked reaction. I sighed, "Well, I guess buy me some bread?"

The boy seemed amused by my response. I don't think they saw poor people like me everyday...

The boy laughed and nodded. He guided me to a nearby store and bought be two loafs of bread. I was relieved. "Thanks." I said to him. He just shrugged it off, "It's not big deal, it's not like the bread was so expensive. Why was it so important for you anyways?"

What would I tell him?
I just ran out of an orphanage and now I'm looking for a place to stay because I'm homeless. And money matters to me unlike you so the bread has some value to me.

"Umm.. Well... You see I-" I was cut off by the boy, "Don't bother. Charles." He greeted me with his name he held his hand out for me to shake. I reciprocated and shook his hand. He gave me a warm smile, "and you?"

I smiled back at him, unsure whether I should reveal my name or not. "Ch-Charlotte." I stated. He smiled. "Well I guess that's it." Charles hesitated a bit, "We can talk sometime? Phone number or anything?" I was astounded by his words.

I gulped. "Uh, well..." For one, I didn't have a home, secondly, I didn't have a cell-phone or device and thirdly, all I knew that he was a guy named Charles who was pretty handsome. Note that we met just a few seconds ago.

I looked down to my shoes and fumbled my fingers together.

"I-uh, don't have a stable connection yet. So uh, I guess I can have your number and we can talk?" Charles was running his hands through his hair. "Sure!" He exclaimed. Okay, so phew, I wasn't looking so stupid.

The Sun'll Come Out TomorrowDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora