25 | beginnings

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25 | beginnings

"M-my apartment?" I asked, mystified.

Charles and Amanda recovered from their laugh attack while Charles slung an arm around my shoulder. "Just for you. After you got your driver's license, I was joyous, I think you deserve this apartment. Think of it as a congrats gift from me." Charles explain and I furrowed my eyebrows, "You know you didn't have to do this. I was going to buy one myself, with my own savings." It was true. I didn't need anyone to pity me. I didn't want to rely on someone and become an obligated person.

"Nonsense," Charles laughed, "you're my sister! Can't I buy you something?"

Before I could respond, Amanda intervened in the conversation, "Stop quibbling you two! What do you think of the apartment?" She asked, looking at me expectantly. Her eyes glinted as she looked at me hoping I would like it.

"It's wonderful." I breathe.

"Why do I feel like there's a 'but' to it?" Charles asked suspiciously. "There isn't a 'but', there's a 'however'." I corrected him. Charles chuckled, "Why?"

"Because - I mean - how much was this anyways?" I asked hesitantly.

"The monthly rent is quite less, it's only two thousand dollars. But he payed a year in advance which is like..." Amanda said trailing off doing this math.

"Twenty-four thousand." I stated with a smirky smile. I've always been good at math, what can I do?

As I walk into the spacious apartment, I am more than intrigued. There's lots of space for furniture in the living and dining area which share a similar area. It's a simple apartment but didn't fail to make me gasp. The kitchen was an average size kitchen - obviously way smaller than the kitchen from the cafe. The kitchen from the cafe was meant to be large for many employees. It needs to be enough to fit in at least seven people working at once. Speaking of employees, I really need to get on with finding one before it's too late. Many teenagers must be on the role trying to find a summer job and perhaps this would be the best chance to do so.

I trudge towards the room in delight, examining it with my eyes lit up. "That's the one bedroom, which I think is enough." Charles says and I nod, "Of course, even a studio apartment would suffice my needs!" Charles, Amanda and I chuckle. We talk for a few moments until Charles decides to take off.

Amanda offers me to take me to the office to get me my driver's license and all that jazz. We take the car and Charles tells me I can use Amanda's car, until I decide to buy a car.

"I can actually buy you another car, you know?" Charles says but more in a brag tone. I scowl, crossing my arms over my chest, "Yes, I realize that, Mr I-Have-All-Them-Dollars, but I want to earn it myself. I want to buy the car, but with my savings, Charles." I roll my eyes. Will he ever understand that I need to get used to spending money and not relying on others?

"Alright, alright..." Charles smirks and heads off to where he needs to go. He lightly pecks Amanda's cheek before running out the door, swinging it open and bolting away.


"Argh, Misty, stop it!" I yelled painfully at Misty who was enjoying splashing heaps of cold water onto my face. Cats did not like taking baths and here I was struggling to get Misty, Max and Simba to take one.

"You suck at bathing cats. Watch and learn, young one." Amanda said in a posh British accent and I rolled my eyes, "Oh, nonsense, Misty loves me more than she does to you." I mocked her British accent.

Amanda smirked, "Suit yourself." She said and started to push me over the side of the bathtub and started bathing that cats. I shot my hands up in the air, "Hey, if you want to do the work, then go ahead. I'm just going to have a breeze here and-" I was cut off by the ringing of the phone.

The Sun'll Come Out Tomorrowजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें