10 | close call

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10 | close call

"Pretty please?" Charles pleaded to me. He really wanted me to come over for the night since the paint would dry and it'd be bad for my health. I was denying because I wasn't sure. "Are you sure? Your girlfriend or something..." I hesitated. Charles threw his head back in a laugh.

"You actually thought so?" He asked in amusement. "I don't have a girlfriend." He said relaxingly.

"Oh." I murmured. "Well, I guess so... If you insist!" I said lightly, but made sure I sounded comfortable. God, he was being so nice to me and I haven't done a single thing for him!

When we arrived at his house, I was astounded. The house, next thing to mansion - was huge. It felt like an airy space to be in. The creamy white French doors were what I fell in love with.

I loved everything about the house. I simply adored everything about.

My eyes were fixed onto the French doors and I didn't realize that Charles was watching me, "Oh! Hey!" I greeted him obviously making it awkward.

He smiled, "Really like the French doors, eh?" He asked. Surprisingly he knew what I was thinking about. I nodded, "Yeah." Charles patted my shoulder, "Let's get you to sleep. We have a big day tomorrow." He directed me to the guest room. "Big day? What?" I asked puzzled.

"We're going somewhere tomorrow." He said nonchalantly. I widened my eyes at his statement. "What?" I asked. Charles shrugged, "You ask too many questions." Charles chuckled.

I did not ask too many questions. It's just he won't tell me where we're going. Of course, I love surprises, but I wanted to find out really badly.

When we reached upstairs, Charles showed me my bedroom and the washroom. It was almost like a tour around his huge house.

While he was leaving me to sleep, I put him to a halt, "Wait!" I say. Charles turns around with a confused look on his face. I get down from the bed - note that it was he best bed I had been on - and walked towards him.

"Thanks," I shyly thank him. Charles chuckles but turns his attention back to me, glancing at my lips.

Oh, my goodness.

"You're welcome, Char," He replied softly. His soft breath fans my face which makes me completely intoxicated. I'm completely dazzled by the events occurring right now. I don't know what I'm feeling. It was love... But not the love-love. I felt somewhere farther from him - was it sisterly affection? I couldn't distinctly feel the emotions right now. He slowly leans in closer to me.

We're just millimetres away until the most relieving thing happens...

Ring, ring.

Charles lets out a groan and so do I... But internally. We were so close. So close...

Charles picks up the phone, "Hello?" He asks into the phone. He's frowning.

"Yes. This is he..."


"That's right... Next week," He replied as the other person spoke on the phone.

"I thought we sold those shares! Those needed to be sold, dammit!" He cut the phone immediately, and stood up from the bed where he was sitting. 

"Char, I'll be back, an emergency came up; but I'll be back. We'll talk later," He tells me in a sweet voice and walks out of the room.


My eyes flutter open and I try to get used to the light in the room coming in by the Sun's rays. I reluctantly shift to my side still trying to sleep. I want to continue sleeping.

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