12 | finding family

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My body froze at his statement.

No, no, no. It couldn't have been. Was Charles just joking around with me? Perhaps trying to make me feel better since no one had walked into the cafe?

My mind wasn't able to register what was occurring right now. My heartbeat suddenly quickened.

"What?" I asked perplexed.

Charles fidgeted uncomfortably, "I..."

"When... I mean.. How? W-" I cut him off trying to perceive his comment. Was he my brother? Was he the person I had been looking for all my life? Was he the kin? Was this it? Did I make it to find him?

It was mixed emotions; while I was joyful deep down, expressions shielded my happiness. How come he never told me? Grief, sorrow, anguish and frustration overcame my mind.

I gawked my head side to side in puzzlement. Charles interjected my thoughts, "Just-just let me explain..." He hesitated. Charles took a sharp intake of breath and attempted to relax his body. "Look, I-" he started but I cut him off.

"How long did you know this for?" I asked quietly. I was still in awe.

"I've known ever since you came over for the night... After we almost..." He trailed off and I knew what he meant. He meant that 'almost' kiss we were about to share. "Char, ever since I met you, I saw mom in you. I saw her eyes and smiles in you. You portrayed her in every way. I had suspicions all along but wasn't able to confirm them. But then, they were confirmed when I rummaged through your suitcase and saw my clear evidence - the picture of mom and dad."

"I-I don't believe you..." I said. He could've been a random stranger trying to prove to me that he was my brother. I needed more. I needed to know that was him I was l seeking for all my life. I couldn't just let my emotions take over and finally cling onto him. Sure, sometimes I felt it was him - my brother - but this was all too confusing.

"I can explain." He confirms looking me into the eye. "Char, we've lost each other once. I can't lose you again. I just can't afford it!" He stands up from where I was sitting and walks to the window looking out in the dark night sky. "When mom and dad left me at the orphanage, I remember - swear to God! - that they told me I had a sister. They said I was going to find her one day or another... I didn't believe it. I thought I lost you forever! But being that I was five," he scoffed, "I believed it. My aim ever since mom and dad left us at the orphanage was to find you. I didn't attend school even though my orphanage forced me to. I walked here, right in these streets searching for you. I attended school until grade twelve, then dropped out. I decided that I needed to make money somehow, and start a living myself. From there, my affirmative thinking brought me here... Being an investor. I don't understand why mom and dad left me at the orphanage or why they separated us. But-but I think our parents were going to separate." I took a moment of silence so that I could process everything.

He searched for me. I searched for him.

"Why didn't you tell me, Charles?" I inquired with my voice raised from quivering.

"I was scared, goddammit! I don't know for what? I thought you'd never want to see me again since I was a part of your family! I thought I was going to lose you if I told you!" He smacked the window sill. He was frustrated with himself and I understood why. If he told me before, I'd probably go into hysterics and probably crazy. I wouldn't believe him or - I'd just kick him out of my life so that I could continue. I understood what his pain was, finally being able to create connection.

I could believe him.

No one knew about my secret except for Ms Parker and I. Just us, and then there was Charles who was in the dark but still had a candle lit on his side, but I was unable to see it! How did I not know that HE was my brother? How could I not identify him? Ignorant. That's what I was, ignorant.

"Charles," I breathed, "I believe you."

Charles turned around from looking out the window and focused his eyes on me. He smiled weakly, "I love you Char." He omitted, which caused me to smile genuinely. He leaned over to me and cupped my face. "Please," he requested, "don't ever - and I mean ever - leave me alone again."

"I won't," I promised him, "I can't take this chance ever again. I love you too."

With that, we both just hugged. We were in each other's arms just making up for those days, weeks, years, decades, we haven't spent together.

Now, we'd cherish it.

Meet my older brother, Charles Gray.


"Not a single soul came into the coffee shop?" Charles asked in dismay. It was late evening of the next day, when for two straight days, no one walked in.

"Not a single soul." I confirmed. Charles put himself into deep thoughts.

"What could it be?" I asked him. Charles shrugged, "We need to add charm to the coffee shop. We have to show people that it's more than just 'Char's Cafe'. And I - have an idea."

"What?" I asked puzzled.

"You'll find out tomorrow." He smirked, "keep the cafe open tomorrow, I'm going to bring a little something." He told me. With that, he walked off, "Until tomorrow Char! Don't forget to lock the door." Charles instructed. I did as he told to and followed him out when he left.

What was he planning to show me? My curiosity was getting to me!

Later that night, I decided to call Amanda since it had been ages I had talked to her.

"Hello?" She answered the phone. Ahh, there she is!

"Hi Amanda, it's me, Charlotte." I offer her my name.

"Oh hey! Long time no see! Where've you been? I couldn't find you anywhere. You don't seem to stride in the mall so I'm deducing you found a home?"

I found my brother. I wanted to tell her.

"I opened a cafe!" I told her. Amanda gasped, "For real?" She inquired enthusiastically.

I chuckled, "Yeah. You should come and check it out one day. I can give you the address. It's 29 Bay Street East."

"Ok thanks. But really... HOW?!" She asked.

I chuckled, "You'll only find out when you come over!" I replied.

We talked for more on her life and what she had done while I told her more. I finally got to telling her I found my brother. Amanda and I bonded over the phone. We were really becoming close and more than friends.

Was my life coming back together? Piecing little by little, I was finding true happiness.

Sometimes, I do believe when Ms. Parker says, The Sun'll Come out Tomorrow because hey, you never know what's in store for tomorrow!


mentally cringing at my work that i'm editing because when i first started writing, it was really horrible. but hey, that's how we become better, right? :)

please be sure to like, comment and vote and let me know what you think about Charles and Charlotte now as brother and sister!

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