26 | long paths

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You know when people say that everything happens for a reason? Does that include Nathan and I being stuck in the middle of nowhere?

I think not!

I'm nerved right now - I don't know what to do, how to react, what to say or even how to walk. It seems that every time Nathan and I are together, I am not able to be in my mind.

"My parents..." Nathan started, "my parents fell out of love shortly after I was born. They didn't seem to get along anymore and their brawls were becoming unbearable. I finally talked to my father - we fought. Our deadly fight caused ten years of not talking to each other. We haven't talked ever since I was eleven. My mother and I aren't on very good terms and she told me that I needed to talk to my father. But I never budged." He sighed. I didn't dare to speak which was a signal for him to continue, "My mom and I don't talk very often, but when we do, I respect her and listen to what she has to say - perhaps even follow it too sometimes. But she... She's trying to set me up on dates with women that are hungry for my wealth. Business deals are being made by my father and their daughters dream of dating me," he explained and shook his head, "I can't. I can't date anyone right now."

I shook my head, "So your father and you've never talked?" I ask him and Nathan shakes his head. "I never did," he explains fisting his hands, "and never want to. That man has no respect for my mother nor the society. He never treated me like a son." Nathan spoke tensed but was still mad, his knuckles turned white, "All that man - who is so called my father - ran after money. He forgot he had a family. He forgot that he had a son or a wife. He forgot that his son had dreams of becoming someone else other than a business man."

"You never wanted to be a business man?" I asked him. We continued to talk and walk along the dark path. I didn't know where we were going, but he did so I trusted his word and just tagged along with him. I looked down to the ground and continued walking, my hands crossed over my chest. Nathan had his hands stuffed in his pockets and continued to talk while kicking a pebble with his strides. Nathan shook his head, "I never wanted to be what my father was after I was disgusted by his acts. He's never asked me once what was happening in my life. Money. Money. Money. That's all he cares for." He scowled and sighed.

"So what happened when your mother set you up with the woman?" I questioned him.

"I told her I couldn't. But I have big regards for my mother and I just did it for her. She told me that my dad was in big need of an upcoming deal and I had to date this woman in order to please her father who was my father's business mate." He replied and cursed under his breath.

I stayed silent. We continued to walk along the path and as the night went on - I don't know how long we walked for, but I was beginning to get tired. Nathan continued to kick the pebbles in his way as we stayed in an awkward silence not knowing what to say.

A question kicked up inside my brain and I couldn't hold it in.

"Do you plan on dating?" I ask curiously but realized I sounded stupid asking the question... Now I sounded desperate! "I mean.." I corrected, "after we..." I was at a loss of words. What was I supposed to say to cover up my idiotic question? We went on a date and somehow I managed to feel something for him. I just couldn't find myself to say or even think about it.

In all, I was scared of the consequences.

Nathan chuckled at my awkwardness which caused me to blush. Thank my lucky stars that he couldn't see my face because I was going to look so embarrassing! "I don't know," he says with a sigh, "I have my eyes on a woman that sparks interest in me. But we haven't gotten quite close. In fact, we're sorta in a fight right now." He explains.

My heart drops.

He likes another woman? The way he spoke with so much passion scared me. I wasn't expecting this response and I didn't know how to react.

Nathan was in love with another woman and here I was day-dreaming about him all day. What did I expect anyways? Us - as a lovely couple - running down a crisp beach during a sunset? Haha, no! I hit myself internally thinking of all of this. I was so naïve! How could I even think of liking Nathan? I didn't even contain feelings for him!

This was all too confusing for me to take in right now.

In my train of thoughts, I surfaced to reality and kept quiet. It seemed the sufficing thing to do so I didn't bother to reply him.

"You didn't say anything." Nathan points out, lightly and I shrug, well what am. I supposed to say, huh? We don't have a relationship, you are in love with another woman and here I am falling for you! What a journey, what a ride...

"Is there anything I'm supposed to say?" I hiss at him - even though I don't intend on being harsh and curt.

I felt my chest pain as we continued walking. I was brooding the journey right now and I didn't see any point in talking to him any further. It was already pretty bad between us.

After about ten minutes of our silence, Nathan paused. The pacing noise of his walking had halted with caused me to stop dead in my tracks.

"Why'd you stop?" I ask him.

"That-" he points to a faint light that is glimmering in the open space, "I think we've reached a town!" He exclaims and I sense a light to his tone. I sigh in relief when I realize it wasn't an animal in the bushes. I was already quite upset with the events occurred today. "Let's go!" He says and he grabs my hand leading me there.

Suddenly, my foot is caught between something and I fall on the ground earning a loud thud. I groan in pain while Nathan is in awe. "Are you okay?" He asks in shock and helps me up. My bad mood turns on, "Yes, I'm definitely okay right now with this huge cut I have on my foot and I can't even see the blood, so yes... I'm alright thank you. What about you?" I ask him in a shrill tone of sarcasm. Nathan chuckles which causes me to roll my eyes. His laugh is music to my ears and even though I might be angry with him, the corner of my mouth twitches.

I get up and Nathan helps me in the process. I Lena onto him while walking.

"Should I carry you?" He asks cautiously. My insides flutter but my brutal reply is stern as steel, "No."

"Are you sure?"


"Surely sure?" He asks in an amused voice.


"100%?" He's testing my patience and it's not easy not to blow up.

"Yes." I reply curtly.

"Are you-" before he can ask me another question I jolt out of his grip and smack him on the chest, of course, playfully. "You're being unnecessary right now and our goal is to get there." I explain sternly and Nathan chuckles, "Yes miss."

We pace across the path and suddenly, my knee buckles, but by the support of Nathan, I am held from the ground.

"You alright there?" He asks in an amused tone.

"I-I can't walk." I say in a worried tone and with that, I am elevated from the ground, lifted bridal-style by Nathan.

I let out a weary help.

"Better?" Nathan asks me and I sense a smirk to that voice of his.

"Mhmm..." I reply until I bury my neck into the crook of his neck. His fresh scent of cologne exhilarated me. I resist the urge to sniff him - but in all trusts, I fail. His sweet scent intoxicated me and I am soon drawn into deep slumber.


as you can see i have no time to edit anymore, so i quickly look the chapter over and publish. i apologize for the cringe xD

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