“Sure.” I followed behind her for a while till the music faded. When we got to the end of the hallway she turned around. I leaned back against the wall bracing myself for the stab in the back.

“So firstly I want to apologize for ... last night I was rude and overreacted. But you didn't really help. You didnt have to make a dig about me and Austin breaking up.” She pulled her hands away from her hair and stopped pacing in front of me. “But that's not the point, I'm sorry that I acted that way. And..” I was starting to regret agreeing to this talk. I couldn't hear her tell me about her and Zayn. I couldn't stand this. I needed to get out of here before I did anything stupid.

I pushed myself off the wall and looked down at her. “I don't really care or want to hears this.” I said turning to leave but she grabbed at my arm.

“Please,just listen to me.  Zayn and I talked all this morning trying to figure out how...” she said looking at me panicky.

“Charlotte I don't give a shit about what you or Zayn do, not fucking anymore.” I said forcefully in her face. I could see the hurt move across perfect face like I had slapped her. But thats what she did to me seconds later. The sting was delayed.

“You're such an asshole.” her voice trembled and I could tell she was going to start crying. But

before a tear fell she left me standing there. I could hear a lot more people coming into the house. Cheers and whooping.

I knew I shouldn't have said any of that but if she only knew what it was doing to me. I thought I was dying when we broke up but it was nothing in comparison to this. Not only would I never have her back but I would have to watch one of my best mate fall for my best friend.

“Fuck!” I paced for a second before throwing my glass to the floor watching it shatter. After what seemed like an hour I could see Liam walking back towards me.

As he approached I tried stepping over the glass. " You want to explain what's going on? I just saw Chelsea sneaking Charlotte out the back and she look like she was about to cry."

I told Liam everything I had seen earlier this morning. "I told her I didn't give a shit what she and Zayn did. And she just left. Please just keep me away from Zayn. This is Lou’s night I don't need to ruin it."

"Yeah absolutely but are you sure that is what’s going on with them?" he asked.

"Yeah what other explanation would there be? Plus once you're that close to her, like Zayn or I was, it's hard not to fall for her. " I said walking back towards the party. Time to start drinking myself into oblivion.

Chelsea POV

I knew Charlotte was here to pick me up before Harry called for me purely by the sound of her laugh echoing down the hallway. It was nice to hear. After her and Niall talked last night she had downed the drinks all while trying to keep it together resulting in little success.

"Coming!" I shouted over the music that was now blasting from our living room. I grabbed my mask and bag. I was so excited for El’s bachelorette party. It was masquerade themed. Lottie had rented out the penthouse suite at one of the nicest hotels in all of London for it. And even though El pledged for no strippers, Lottie thought it would be fun if she arranged for something reminiscent of the movie Magic Mike.

As I entered the living room about 20 guys were bro hugging and and high fiving. I was going to be happy to get out of there. I looked over and saw Harry and walked over,

“Hey babe, where’s Charlotte?” I asked as he pulled me into a kiss.

“She was in the kitchen. Have fun tonight but not too much. “ He said giving me the eyes.

“Okay you too and please don't let them destroy the house.” I said. “...And you better get in on that before you end up being that slow kid on the top of the dogpile.” I said shooing him towards the mini mosh pit that was going on. Walking towards the kitchen I saw Zayn talking to Charlotte.

“I promise, I'm fine. I just don't think he cares at this point, but go have fun. I know I will.” she said with a forced smile on her face.

“Okay. Oh hey Chels. By Charlie, y’all have fun tonight.” He said giving her a hug and walking off to the living room. I looked at Charlotte and she was biting the inside of her cheek.

“You okay?” I asked grabbing her hand. Her lip trembled a bit as she shook her head.

“I don't think so, can we leave?” She asked

“Yeah, of course." I grabbed her hand and lead her out the back way and took Zayn's keys from her. Once we were both inside the car I started driving until I heard her start to cry. I pulled over into an empty parking lot. “Okay, what's going on?’ I asked turning towards her.

She started crying and talking at the same time. “So after seeing Niall last night I know that I still feel something for him. To make it worse I've been a complete bitch to him ever since that accident when really Niall paid for all Michael's stuff. So really I'm just a terrible person. I thought we could talk tonight but he.."  a new set of tears started and I reached over and hugged her.

"Oh Charlie, what did he say?" I asked after a while.

"He pretty much said he doesn't care what I do, he doesn't care about me anymore." She sniffled.

“He seemed so interested last night, I mean you were coming to talk to him about everything that would probably have mended things. I wonder what changed?" I asked.

"I don't know, he was all flirty with me last night and now he hates me." She said looking over at me. Then she giggled a little through her tears. "How ironic, the day I realize that I shouldn't be mad at him is the day he starts to hate me."

"He couldn't hate you just the way he was staring at you, anyone could tell that he never stopped loving you. We will get to the bottom of it.” I retorted.

“What if there’s nothing to get to the bottom of; what if he’s just so tired of it all? I mean he's waited around for 9 months. He never got into a relationship or anything. I'm just too late. ”

“Charlie don't talk like that. All you need to do is sit down and talk it out. We will get it all worked out.” I said.

“Promise?” she asked.  looking over at her and sticking up my pinky

“Promise. Won't let you off this continent till you've had a proper chat with him.” I said giving her a warm smile. She returned it and wrapped her pinky around mine. “Now lets go have fun and worry about it tomorrow. El is expecting fun crazy bridesmaids and we can't disappoint.” I said handing her a tissue.

"You're right. I know I need to relax a bit.” she sat there for a second with her eyes closed and took a large breath in followed by a deep exhale. “Okay I'm good now. Got any mascara? I look like shit now.” She asked flipping down the visor mirror sniffling a bit.

“Yeah, its in my overnight bag.” I said as revved the car and pulled out of the parking lot. I turned on the radio and one of our favorite songs came on several seconds later, Heartbreak Girl by 5SOS. We both started singing and dancing in our seats. After a couple of songs we were pulling up to the hotel and giving the valet the keys. I could tell Charlotte was feeling better.

When the doors split apart to the penthouse both our jaws dropped. All of El’s friends were there waltzing around in lbds and masks. Champagne bottles were being popped left and right. A girl with big curls,in a black long sleeve mini dress came up to us and pulled off her mask to reveal a happy Danielle.  

“Finally! The strippers are going to be here soon!” She said pulling us into the room. We threw our bags in a back room and went to join the party. We could see El dancing on a table in a tight white dress. Lottie ran over with 2 bottles of champagne.

“Okay, so the strippers are going to be here in 20 minutes so I would suggest you start drinking. By the way you both look great.” She said handing us the bottles. She sauntered off towards the kitchen in a black sequin dress. We popped the bottles open and started to dance the night away. No one would have to be pretending to have fun tonight.

Thanks for reading loves. I hope you stick with it!! Is this what you thought was going to happen? 

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