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I would like to thank three very important people who mean a lot to me.

First, my best friend Eliza, who told me about the app in the first place. Follow her: my_bff_is_darkness She helped me with ideas and gave me extraordinary suggestions. Thank you for everything! I can always count on you to read and vote for my work! Thank you for inspiring me to keep writing by either voting or bugging me about it! You are the BEST EVER!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Second, my best friend Hannah, for talking about the book with me. Follow her: hannahbirchbaxter Thank you for listening to my suggestions and giving me suggestions. You are AMAZING!!!!!! ;)

Third, my BEST friend and brother Wade, for listening to me go ON AND ON about my story and suggestions. For hours I've asked if I should add this in or take this out, and you always know what to say. Thanks to you my story is amazing. YOU ARE AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Thank you for reading and voting on my story!!! Hopefully book two will be out soon!!!!!!

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Children of the Big Three-Book One-Quest for TruthWhere stories live. Discover now