Chapter 5-Zaylor

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We started walking toward around where the Big House was. We then came to a little outdoor gift shop that had a bunch of demigod stuff for sale. Behind that was an ordinary shed. When Sydney opened it, it wasn't so ordinary anymore. Inside was a long shed with all sorts of weapons on the walls.

"Cool," I said. "How many do I get?"

"One," Sydney said. "Unless you get the other one from somewhere else."

"Huh." I stared at all of the weapons and started walking around. As I was walking, I found a Celestial bronze sword with a large handle. Next to it was a Celestial bronze medium lengthed sword/dagger with a black blade and some Greek symbol on it. I picked up the sword in my left hand and the dagger sword in my right. "Hey, Syd," I said. "Check it out."

She walked over and examined both swords.

"How do they feel?" she asked.

I lifted them both. "This one feels right," I said, lifting my left arm and putting it down. "But this one feels right." I lifted my right arm.

"I like the medium lenghted one," she said.

"Me too," I said, putting the longer sword back. "I'll take it."

"Good choice," she said. She started walking toward the exit. "Now let's-"

"Wait!" I said, lifting up my arms, spreading my legs apart and bending them. I had spotted a black wooden bow in the corner of the shed. "I need to check this out."

I walked over to the bow and picked it up, examining it.

"Zaylor, you only get one, remember?"

"No, wait, check this out." I lifted up my sword and the bow. "You know how in the Civil War they had muskets with blades fastened on the front?"


"Check this out." I slowly lifted the sword up to the bow like I would with an arrow. "Aw, yeah, ya see it now?"

Sydney rolled her eyes. "Fine, whatever. Let's just get your armor. There's a quiver full of arrows in the gift shop."

We walked out of the shed and Sydney closed it up. We then walked over to the camp gift shop. When we got there, Sydney opened the door and went behind the counter. I tried to follow, but she said, "Just wait at the front."

"Okay," I said. As she started moving stuff to get to the back, I said, "Have you ever been behind the counter before?"

"Yeah. I worked here part time before I was transferred to your school."

"Is that what happens to all sayters?"

"That live her," she said behind some boxes, "yes."

"Coo-" I stopped when I suddenly thought of something. "Wait, are there girl sayters?"

Sydney quickly popped up from behind some boxes with an offended look on her face. "Excuse me? Am I a boy sayter?"

"No, but I've-"

"Never heard of a girl sayter?" she asked angerly.

"Sorry," I said.

She sighed. "It's okay. I'm sorry too. I should've known better. I mean, I know you."

"It's okay," I said. I was quiet while she looked. Did she know me? Did she know I was afraid of heights? And water? And the dark like a child? How could I be a daughter of one of the Big Three if I was afraid of their domains? I sighed.

"You okay?" Sydney asked.

"What?" I forgot she was there. "Oh, yeah, sorry. I was just... thinking."

"About what?"

"My mom," I lied. "I'm worried about her."

"Don't worry, well find her." She disappeared behind more boxes. "Aw, here's your armor." She walked to the counter with full armor and a blue helmet like Annabeth's. She handed all of it to me. "Good luck puttinit on. Oh, I almost forgot." She turned around and grabbed the quiver with the most arrows in it and handed it to me. "Here you go. Don't worry, it's all on me."

"Thanks, Syd," I said taking the quiver and armor. I connected the quiver to my belt loop and put on my armor. "How do I look?" I asked when I was finished.

"Like a knight in Celestial bronze armor."

"Haha, very funny."

"Now, let's go back to your team. They should be getting started."

"Are you playing?"

She laughed. "Nah, I just watch. And help out in the hospital wing after." She started walking towards the cabins.

"Wait, what?" I called after her. "Sydney, you get back here! Syd!"

Sydney was right. As soon as we got back to the cabins everyone was back around the fire pit. I joined the crowd and Sydney went to sit somewhere to watch.

"Welcome, everyone," Chiron said. He was back in his spot at he front of the pavilion. "We are now starting the games. Everyone ready?"

"Woo!" the campers cheered.

"Zaylor, you're back," Annabeth said catching up. "Just stay with Piper."


"Piper." Everyone cheered again so it was hard to hear. "You'll know her when you see her!"

"Wait!" But she walked off and got lost in the crowd. A girl walked up. She had full armor over denim jeans and an army jacket, brown boots, and a blue helmet over her choppy caramel brown hair. Her eyes seemed to be changing color, I could never tell what color they were.

"You Piper?" I yelled over the noise.

"Yeah. You must be Zaylor." she answered.

"Ready?" Chiron said.

"Lift your weapon," she shouted. She had a very persuasive voice. I raised my sword in one hand and bow in the other.


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