Chapter 17-Zaylor

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"Awwww, yeah!" I shouted from the ground. "Killed a chimera. All by myself. Wasn't hard at all. Never thought I'd do that."

Then I remembered Jace and Sydney.

I jumped up from the ground and ran over to them.

Sydney had a goose egg on her forehead and she looked pale.

"Okay, what do I need to get?" I asked.

"A lower self esteem," Jace retorted.

"Ha, funny," I said. " But I'm serious."

Jace had me get some ambrosia and nectar from my backpack. When I gave it to him, he slowly fed it to her.

"She should be betterr after some sleep," he said. "Afterward, she'll be okay."

Jace and I went to pick her up when we saw lightning flash and we heard thunder boom.

"Ugh," I said. "Let's move her under this big tree." I pointed with my thumb to a massive tree with branches and leaves that made a great shelter.

Jace laughed. "Uh, no," he said. "Have you ever been told it is highly unsafe to be under a tall object, a.k.a. tree, in a lightning storm?"

"Well," I shruggedd, "if Zeus is my dad, hopefully he'll have mercy on me and my stupidity."

Jace and I lifted up Sydney and carried her under the big tree. As soon as I sat down, it started raining, really hard.

"It does not rain that hard that fast," I said, staring at the rain pouring down.

Jace sat down next to me.

"I don't know," he said. "I've seen some pretty strange things in my life."

"You know me," I said. "Of course you've seen some pretty strange things."

He laughed.

"You know, you're not so bad when you're not trying to be all tough and aggresive," I commented.

"I live in the Ares cabin," he said. "I have to be tough and aggresive."

"Depends on who you ask," I said.

We sat in silence for a minute and listened to the rain pounding the ground.

"It's really wierd that we were attackd by a strong monster our first day out," Jace said.

"That was a strong monster?" I said.

He closed his eyes but he didn't look mad.

"Get some sleep," he said. "I'll take first watch."

"What if I want first watch?" I joked.

"Just go to sleep," he said.

I got up and walked over to by where Sydney was sleeping. I laid down next to the edge of the leaves in a spot where the rain could almost get me wet.

I closed my eyes. "Good luck, Jay," I said.

That was the last thing I remember before I fell asleep.

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