Chapter 25-Skipper

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Everything Zaylor had said about me at the gas station. Wow.

Wait, how do I know what she said? I was there. I listened to the location of the place Eliza told Chiron, and I came to see what was happening. I shadow traveled over and hide in the shadows in the farthest corner from where they were. I started to leave when Sydney, Jace, and Eliza started to laugh at me, but I stopped when Zaylor spoke.

Maybe we can be friends....

No. Never mind. I can't make any mistakes in this century too.

After the gas station, I shadow traveled to the Hollywood sign, the second O. From the center of it, I put my hand on the soft dirt between the letter.

State your name and business, a hoarse, ghostly voice whispered.

"Skipper LeAnn, daughter of Hades, going to see my father."

The dirt between the O opened up to a cave entrance, and I stepped through the O into the cave's mouth. Once I was completely inside, the cave opening closed, dirt falling over it.

From there, I stepped back into the shadows.

Hades' palace, I thought.

I was sucked into the shadows. It felt like going through a portal, with odd twists and turns, ups and downs. It usually would make a person sick, but shadow traveling is my car, or in other words, I'm used to it.

When my trip was done, I was standing in the shadows of the corner of my dad's palace. The whole place was black and dark. His throne was made of human bones, and the cloak he wore showed different faces of people in agony. It always sent a shiver down my spine.

I stepped out of the shadows and walked to the front of Hades' throne. Once I reached the bottom, I kneeled.

"Father," I said.

"Rise," he replied. "I told you, Skipper, you don't have to do that."

I stood up and gripped the hilt of my sword. "It seems... Respectful."

"Yes it's respectful, but it's not nessesary."

I looked down and shook my head. Then I quickly looked back up. "I need to ask of... a favor."

Hades sat forward. "What. Kind of... favor?"

"My frie-" I stopped. "Kids from camp are going on a quest."

"How old are they?" he asked.

I was taken aback. "What?"

"How old are they?"

"Sixteen, seventeen."

"Then they're teens on a quest."

I sighed. "Fine."

He smiled.

"Teens from camp," I said, "are going on a quest and they're coming to the underworld."

He nodded. "And?"

"Well, one of them is really nice to me, and..."

"Skipper, are you telling me you finally made a friend?"

"No, she's just... kind to me. Look, I just want you to be kind and help them okay? I'll help them get in and to the palace, but please, please, be nice to them, okay?"

"Okay," he said. "If you promise you'll try to be her friend."

I growled. "Fine."

"Skipper, I just don't want you to be... alone."

I looked down. "I know."

"Good." He leaned back in his throne. "What's her name, anyway?"

"Zaylor Maximo," I said. I paused. "Is she your daughter?"

He hesitated. "It's too soon to tell you," he said. "But don't worry, you'll find out very soon."

I nodded. "Thanks... Dad."

"You're welcome," Hades answered.

I walked to the corner I came from and turned to face him. I waved and stepped back, slipping away into the shadows.

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