Chapter 26-Zaylor

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After a couple of hours of walking, we came to a small town.

"Finally! Somewhere other than nowhere!" I said.

In the town were a bunch of grocery stores, fast food places, parks, and apartment complexes.

"This place is kind of nice," Sydney said.

"Me too," I nodded, looking around.

"You mean you think it's nice too?" Eliza asked.

"Sure," I said. "That's what I ment."

"Let's find a bus stop," Eliza suggested. "We'll have it take us to the closest train station."

"Is it an undergrund train?" I asked quickly. I realized I sounded nervous I spoke so quickly I slowed down. "I mean, just wondering."

Eliza and Sydney shared a look.

"I don't know," Sydney said.

"We'll have to wait and see. Why?" Eliza asked.

"Because..." I racked my brain for some excuse. I didn't want to tell them I was afraid of the dark. "Don't monsters usually spond in dark places?"

Eliza lifted an eyebrow. "Do you play Minecraft?"

"You're looking at the master of Minecraft."

She nodded.

"Zaylor's right though," Sydney interupted. "Monsters do 'spond' in dark places."

I let out a sigh of relief in my head.

"But it's our only option," Sydney continued.

My heart melted.

I patted the sheath of my sword/dagger. "Then we better be prepared to fight."

We walked into the nearest grocery store and asked for directions.

"Down this stree' to the righ'," the lady said.

"Thanks!" Sydney called back as we ran out.

So we walked "down this stree' to the righ'" and came to a bus stop.

"Coolbeans," I said. "Now, do we wait?"

"Yep," Eliza said, plopping down on the end of the bench.

The bench was a wooden bench, like the ones at parks and it fit three people. So Sydney sat between Eliza and I.

After about ten minutes of waiting, Sydney was asleep with her head on my shoulder and Eliza was asleep with her head on Sydney's shoulder.

Because, for some odd reason, I can't fall asleep durin the day, I sat there, waiting.

My eyes were opening and closing when a heard something in the bush behind me. I carefully got up and put Sydney's and Eliza's heads together so one or the other wouldn't fall over. I went to the bushe and saw rooster's behind stick out of the leaves.

"What the-"

It walked out of the bush on the opposite side. It was the wierdest thing I'd ever seen. The front half of the beast was a horse with red wings. The back half was a rooster with massive yellow claws. The tail on the creature was feathery, like the rooster behind. It turned toward and eyeballed me.

"Good, creature-thing," I said, sticking my hand out in front of me. "Good it."

It slowly walked towards me.

"Okay," I said. "The hand's not helping."

The creature kept walking toward me, and I started to back up.

"Eliza, Sydney," I said, "I could use some help about now."

Sydney lifted up her head, and Eliza's fell, causing her to quickly lift it back up.

"Wha-what's going on?" Eliza asked.

Sydney looked over at me.

"Holy Hephaestus!" she said. "A Hippalektryon!"

"A hippo-what?" I said.


"Help me, please!"

Eliza pulled out her sword, and Sydney grabbed hers. I pulled out my bow.

"Neigggghhhh!" it said.

Eliza went for the head, Sydney the tail, and I shot arrows at it, hoping to hit its heart or something.

To my surprise, I did hit the Hippalektryon, but in a very inconveneint spot.

Eliza stopped and looked at me. "Really?"

"I'm just shooting arrows," I replied with a smile on my face and a shrug. Sydney laughed. She stopped laughing though when the Hippalektryon got intense.

It flew up, its claws outstretched.
"Duck!" I screamed.

At the same time Sydney and Eliza ducked. The Hippalektryon's claws barely missed the side Of Sydney's head.

"Good call," Eliza said.

The creature flew above, circling Sydney. Luckily, I noticed.

"Sydney, don't move," I said.


"Even if it comes at you, stay still."

The Hippalektryon started flying toward Sydney's face.


I aimed the arrow right above Sydney's head, right where the beast was heading. I released the string.


Did Sydney fall, or did the Hippalektryon? I thought.

I opened my eyes and saw the arrow stcking out of the Hippalektryon, right where its heart was. Then it exploded into yellow dust.

I let out a sigh of relief along with the other girls.

Then we all plopped back down on the bench, not even bothering to put our weapons away. It didn't matter though. The mist makes it so mortals can't see them.

Just our luck, we defeat the monster and then the bus comes.

Children of the Big Three-Book One-Quest for TruthWhere stories live. Discover now