Chapter 35-Zaylor

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Once we stepped inside the cave the opening closed. It was cool and dim in the tunnel. At the we walked to the end and saw a cloaked figure standing inside a rowboat and holding a paddle.

"Wow," I said. "Do we get to ride on that thing?"

"Or you could shadow travel," Skipper said.

"I thought only children of Hades could do that," Sydney said. "Unless you know something?"

Skipper shrugged. "Just step back into the shadows and think of the place you want to go," Skipper instructed. "And if you want to bring people, you must be holding hands."

I nodded. "So I'm going to Hades's palace?" I asked.

Skipper nodded. "Good luck," she said.

"Wait, you're not coming?" I asked.

She shook her head. "I... probably shouldn't. I'm going somewhere."

"Oh," Sydney said, trying to hide her happiness.

"Oh, and by the way, Skipper," I said as I got ready to try shadow traveling. "Whoever you think my dad is, I think you're right."

She nodded. "Thanks."

"Bye," I said as I grabbed Sydney's hand. We then stepped back into the shadows, and I concentrated on where I wanted to go.

Shadow traveling is intense. It felt like I was being sucked into some cramped, unconfortable portal. When everything stopped moving, we were sitting in the dark throne room from my dream. And on the throne sat the same guy in the horrible cloak.

"Alright, adress him properly," Sydney whispered to me.

"I got this," I whispered back. I stepped out of the shadows with Sydney right behind me. "Alright, Hades," I said, kneeling at the foot of his throne. "I expect you know why I'm here?"

"Skipper didn't tell me that much," he answered.

"Alright then, I'll fill you in," I said. I stood up. "I'm here for my mother."

"What?" Hades asked.

"My mother disapeared right before I went to camp," I explained. "I haven't been claimed yet, which really stinks, just in case you're my dad, but I know I'm a kid of the big three. My quest said to travel to the underworld. Only-" I paused as the reality of the last line of my quest hit me. "Only one problem will be solved," I finished.

Hades laughed. "So you think I may be your father?"

"Well, there is a one in three chance," I said obviously.

"And you think I took your mom?"

"Uh, yeah," I said in the same tone.

"You're lucky Skipper asked me to be nice to you," he said. "Let me ask you this, Zaylor Kimber Maximo." He leaned closer to me. "If I was your father, why would I take your mother?"

I was confused by his question.

"Wait, so you aren't my dad?" I asked.

He shook his head.

"And you don't have my mother?"

"Nope," he said.

A disapointed look apeared on my face, and I didn't even try to hide it.

"Sorry," he said, leaning back in his chair.

I thought everything over. My mother's disapearance, the unknown idenity of my father, the quest, my dreams, my childhood.

Suddenly, everything made sense. Why my mom was taken, why I haven't been claimed. I thought about the hints aboutt my dad Mom has given me over the years and the dreams I've had about him.

Then I knew who my dad was.

"Sydney," I said, "Let's go." I slung my backpack off my shoulder and took out two pearls. I handed one to Sydney. "When I say." We sat them on the ground. I turned to Hades. "Thanks for everything," I said sincerely. I faces the pearl. "Now!" We stepped on our pearls. "Mount Olympus, Greece," I said.

Using the pearls to travel was kind of like shadow traveling, but much calmer. When we could see again, Sydney and I stood in a mountain.

"Hm," I rubbed my chin. "This is not what I expected Mount Olympus to look like."

"Ugh, Zaylor," Sydney said. "You took us to the wrong place!"

"I took us to Mount Olympus!" I said.

"In Greece!" Sydney sat down on a large flat rock. "Mount Olympus moves every centuries or so," she said. "Right now it's on the six hundredth floor of the Empire State Buliding in New York."

"All this time," I said. "Mount Olympus was so close to camp?"

Sydney nodded.

"And because of me we're stuck here," I said, sitting down on the dirt.

"It's not your fault," Sydney said. "You didn't know."

We sat there in silence for a minute.

Sydney's face suddenly lit up. "Zaylor," she said. "There's one pearl left, right?"

"Yeah," I said looking up.

Sydney walked over to my backpack, dug out the pearl, and handed it to me.

"Zaylor, you have to go on," she said.

"What?" I said. "No, I'm not leaving you."

"You have to," Sydney replied. "You have to finish this quest, Zaylor."

I made a fist around the pearl and smiled. "You'll be okay?" I asked.

"As long as you promise you'll come get me," she smiled back.

I looked at my hand that containded the pearl. Then I looked up into Sydney's eyes. "Thank you Syndey," I said.

She nodded. "Now go."

I put the pearl on the ground. "You can't get rid of me that easy," I joked. "I'll be back," I said as I stepped on the pearl. "Mount Olympus, 600th floor, Empire State Building, New York," I said.

The last thing I saw before disapearing was Sydney, eyes swelled with tears, waving goodbye.

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