Chapter 32-Zaylor

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We waited at the bus stop for maybe five minutes before we were attacked by a pit scorpion.

Wait, you might be thinking, what's a pit scorpion?

It's deadly insect whos stingers pierce through clothes and skin. Their poison kills the victum within sixty seconds. They're about the size of a hand and they can jump up to fifteen feet high.

Bad? Yes. Did I survive? Barely. Here's the story.

Eliza, Sydney, and I were waiting patiently for our bus to arrive.

"Zaylor, why don't you get some rest?" Sydney suggested.

"Okay," I agreed.

I sat back on the bench and closed my eyes. A litte sleep wouldn't hurt, I thought to myself.

Two minutes later, Sydney and Eliza were crying for my help.

"Oh, how the tables have turned," I joked as I got up and stretched.

"This is not the time to joke around!" Eliza said.

It wasn't until then did I actually open my eyes. There, on the ground, was a black scorpion the size of a hand.

"Oh," I said sarcastically. "How cute."

"Seri-" Sydney was cut off due to the scorpion. It jumped up high enough so it was face to face with Sydney and it tried to stab her with its tail.

"Oh," I raised my bow, "this just got serious."

I aimed at the scorpion's head and shot an arrow. It barely grazed its head. That got its attention for me. It turned its head towards me and jumped.

"Zaylor, watch out!" Eliza screamed.

I quickly pulled out my sword and sliced it through the air, hitting the scorpion and sending it flying through the sky. I quickly dropped my sword, picked up my bow, grabbed an arrow, fitted it, aimed a little below the flying scorpion, and released the string. The arrow went flying through the air, strait towards the falling scorpion. The scorpion fell out of the sky, the arrow through its head. I barely caught a glimpse of it before it exploded into yellow dust.

"Yikes," I said.

"Man," Sydney said, plopping down on the bench. "We've only been on our quest for, what, three days and we've already been attacked by like eight monsters. This is not normal."

"Agreed," Eliza said, sitting down next to Sydney.

"Yeah," I said.

"Player's gonna play, play, play, play, play

and the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate,

baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake,

shake it off, shake it off."

"What is that?" Eliza said.

I pulled my iPhone 6 out of my pocket.

"Hello?" I said into the phone. "Karly, what's up? How's your summer break been?" I waited for a response. "Great! That's great! Yeah... Okay, now's not a good time to talk... Yeah, I'll call you back later. See ya!" I hung up the phone and turned to Eliza and Sydney. "You know Karly," I said. "She's crazy."

Eliza and Sydney just stood there with their mouths hanging open.

"What?" I asked.

That's when Eliza did the most horrible thing ever. She walked right up to me, grabbed my brand, spankin' new iPhone 6 out of my hand, threw it on the ground, and stepped on it.

"Ahhh!" I yelled in disbelief. I reached out to the broken pieces of my beautiful phone. I turned to Eliza. "What was that for?" I yelled.

"Demigods can't have phones," she yelled back.

"Well why not?" I almost screamed.

"Because they attrack monsters!" Eliza almost screamed back.

"Girls, GIRLS, calm down!" Sydney said. She turned to Eliza. "She didn't know."

"That's why we've been attacked by so many monsters," Eliza mumbled to herself.

"Great," I complained. "No contact with my mother, father, or the outside world. Thanks, Eli."

"Don't call me that," Eliza said.

I nodded.

"Let's put this behind us," Sydney said. "We'll start over."

"Psht, whatever," I said.

"Fine," Eliza grumbled.

The bus finally rumbled up the road to us and stopped at the bus stop sign. The doors opened, and crowds of people came rushing out. When the people were done exiting, the three of us walked in.

"Take us to your closest air port," I said. "...Please."

He stuck out his hand, and I handed him the money. The three of us headed to a seat towards the center of the bus. I got the window seat, Sydney in the middle, and Eliza got isle.

We sat in silence as we started to drive.

Noticing how tired we were, Sydney said, "Why don't you two get some rest?"

Eliza nodded in agreement, but I was way ahead of her. My eyes were already closed, and I was slowly drifting off to sleep.

Children of the Big Three-Book One-Quest for TruthWhere stories live. Discover now