Chapter 18-Zaylor

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I woke up to Jace's voice. For some reason, he was saying, "Good doggie, good dog."

"Jace, what are you-"

"Shh!" he interupted nervously. "Help me!"

I got up and what I saw made me freeze. In the doorway, in front of Jace with his arm out in frnt of him, was a giàblack dog that had to be at least eight feet tall.

"What's that?" I asked.

"It's a hellhound," he whispered. "Good dog," he said to it. "Please don't eat me," he whisperred under his breath.

"Let me handle this," I said, pushing him out of the way. "I'm great with dogs."

I went up to the dog and tilted my head back so I could see its face.

"Hey, buddy."

The hellhound wagged his tail.

"What?" Jace said. "How do you-"

"You like that? Well, then Buddy is your new name."

"Wha...?" Jace exclaimed. He walked right in front of me and turned so he was facing me. "You can't just name a stray, random, most likely deadly hellhound!"

"Oh, come on," I said, pushing past him. I started petting Buddy.

"He's just a cute, giant sweatheart! Yes you are!"

The hellhound rolled over on its back, and I scratched his stomach.

Jace rubbed his temples. "You know what?" he said. "Fine. Whatever. I'm going to check on Sydney."

He walked back under the tree to Sydney and sat down next to her. He sighed.

Buddy and I heard a whistle from somewhere in the forest. Buddy jumped up and ran towards it, dissapearing into the woods.

I got up and walked over by Jace.
"Hellhounds aren't so bad," I said. "Why were you so worried?"

He sighed. "On my first quest, a hellhound took my best friend's life."

"Are you serious?"


I punched his arm and we laughed.

"Seriously though," I said.

He shrugged. "I don't know. I guess I have a fear of dogs."

I smirked. "Really?"

He looked at me dead serious and nodded.

I stopped smiling. "Oh."

"But it doesn't really matter," he said. "We don't really have any dogs at Camp Half-Blood."

I nodded. "That's funny. I love dogs." I said.

"Opposites attract," Sydney said smiling. She was still lying down with her arm across her forehead.

"No!" Jace and I said in unison.

Sydney laughed.

"On a less awkward note," Jace said, "how ya feelin?"

"Great," Sydney said. She sat up. "I feel like nothing happened at all."

"Good," Jace said standing up. "Let's go across the world."

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