Chapter 24-Zaylor

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Back in the gas station, Eliza and I were catching Sydney and Jace up on what happened, what was happening, and what was going to happen.

"So you're going to Hollywood without me?" Jace joked when we were finished.

"Girls trip!" Sydney said, pumping her fist in the air.

"I don't wanna go anymore," I joked.

Eliza laughed.

"Too bad we're meeting Skipper there," Sydney said.

"Yeah," Eliza agreed. "To ruin the party."

"Oh, come on," I said. "Skipper's not so bad. I think she's awesome."

There was a pause before Jace, Sydney, and Eliza all started to laugh.

"What?" I asked.

"Skipper awesome?"

Everyone laughed again.

I stood up and faced them.

"Hey!" I said, almost yelling. Everyone got quiet. "Skipper is amazing. So, she's not very social. So what? I wasn't very social either. You wanna know why I became talkative? Because I was made fun of like you three are doing to her." I took a breath. "You guys don't have tto like her, but don't you dare talk bad about my friend in front of me."

I took a deep breath and sat down. Aftter a minute of silence, I said, "When are we leaving?"

"Uh, we can leave now," Eliza said.

I could tell everyone was feeling really akward, but I didn't want to waist any time.

"Alright, let's go then," I said. I stood up and got my backpack and weapons. Everyone just sat there. I clapped my hands together. "H'up, h'up! Let's go, let's go!"

Everyone got their backpacks and weapons ready. Sydney and Eliza walked out the door.

"We'll be waiting outside," Sydney said.

When they walked out, I turned to Jace.

"They'll be here soon to get you," I said. "This gas station isn't too far from camp."

"I know, I'm not worried about it," he said.

"Then what are you worried about?"

"Y-" he paused. "You three."

"We'll be fine." I walked over and gently punched his shoulder. "'Kay?"

He smiled. "'Kay."

I saluted. "See you soon, soldier."
He saluted back. "Good luck."

I walked out the door and saw Sydney and Eliza giggling.

I smiled. "Alright, little girls," I said. "We need to find town."

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