Chapter - 21

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Jennie's POV:

When Lisa pushed me away, I noticed she seemed nervous.

"Sorry, but I'm late. Bye," she said, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. Just as she was about to leave, I wrapped my arm around her waist, pulled her back, and asked, "But first, tell me where you're going and which friend you're meeting?"

"The f-friend I'm m-meeting, you d-don't know," Lisa stuttered, and I could tell she is lying.

I wanted to know who this person is that made Lisa lie to me. I reluctantly let go of her waist and said, "Okay, go ahead."

"Okay, bye," Lisa replied, still looking nervous.

After she left the mansion, I followed her on my bike. I can't stand liars, and I needed to find out who she was meeting.

She stopped at a large apartment building, parked her car, and headed toward the elevator. I followed her, wearing a mask, and got into the elevator with her.

A few moments later, the elevator opened, and she rang the doorbell of one of the apartments. When the door opened, and I saw who it was, I felt a sharp pain. Lisa had lied to me to meet her suitor, Sehun.

I knew I had no right to feel this way since Lisa wasn't my girlfriend, but it hurt so much. Tears streamed down my face, and I quickly wiped them away before heading back to the elevator.


3rd Person POV:

Jennie returned to the parking lot, feeling deeply hurt that Lisa had lied to him. Their relationship hadn’t even officially started, and she was already lying to him. Tears streamed down Jennie's face.

Thirty minutes later, Lisa came to the parking lot with Sehun. Sehun said to Lisa, "Lisa, can I hug you for the last time, please?" Lisa nodded.

Sehun had spotted Jennie watching them from a distance. He hugged Lisa and pretended to kiss her neck, but his lips didn't actually touch her.

When Jennie saw this, his heart shattered into a million pieces. He turned away, got on his bike, and sped home to his house not to the Manoban mansion.

Lisa, unaware of Jennie's presence, headed straight Manoban mansion. Thinking about how she would explain everything to Jennie—that she met Sehun because she didn't want to lie to Jennie, but kept it a secret because she knew he would get jealous—Lisa headed straight home. She didn't want to hide anything from Jennie anymore.

As soon as Jennie got home, he went straight to the workout room and started hitting the punching bag without gloves. The scene of the hug and neck kiss kept flashing in his mind.

Tears streamed down Jennie's face because he felt utterly betrayed. He was so hurt that he didn't even realize he had torn through several punching bags. His hands were bleeding, but he still didn't stop.

His entire body was drenched in sweat. After a while, he finally collapsed to his knees, crying. He looked up and started screaming, "Ahhhhhh," over and over again. Eventually, he lay down on the floor, crying until he fell asleep, while sobbing and his hands were still bleeding.


At Manoban mansion, the maids had prepared dinner, and everyone had come down— Irene, Lisa, Mr. Manoban, and Mrs. Manoban included.

After arriving at the mansion, Lisa had gone to Jennie's room, but he wasn't there. She decided to wait for Jennie, but he didn't come. She even tried calling him, but he didn't answer.

Mr. Manoban noticed Jennie's absence at the dining table and asked Mrs. Manoban, "Is Jennie not having dinner tonight?"

Mrs. Manoban replied, "I asked the maid to call him, but she said he isn't in his room."

Mr. Manoban nodded and said, "Hmm, okay." Then, he took out his phone and checked Jennie's location, seeing that Jennie had gone to his own house.

He called his driver and instructed him, "Go to Jennie's house and bring him back to the mansion."

Mr. Manoban kept Jennie's mobile location tracking on because he wanted to ensure that he always knew where Jennie was, just in case something happened and he needed to find hom.


When the driver arrived at Jennie's house, he saw the door was open, so he went inside. After checking every room, he still couldn't find Jennie.

Finally, he checked the workout room and found Jennie lying on the floor. He ran over to him and saw his hands were bleeding.

When the driver touched Jennie, he realized his body temperature was very high—he had a high fever.

With great difficulty, the driver carried Jennie to the car, placed him inside, and began driving towards the hospital. He called Mr. Manoban, and after a few seconds, Mr. Manoban answered the call.

Mr. Manoban - "Yes, what is it?"

Driver - "Boss, young master Jennie has a high fever and is unconscious."

Mr. Manoban - "Okay, take him to Manoban Hospital immediately. I'll meet you there."

Driver - "Okay, boss."

The driver took Jennie to Manoban Hospital. Meanwhile, back at Manoban mansion, when everyone found out that Jennie had a high fever, they were all worried.

Lisa was also very concerned, and everyone headed to Manoban Hospital.

To be continue...

I have just posted the second update. If you give 100 votes to the 20th chapter, I'll post the third update this evening. The target for this part is 60 votes.

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