Chapter - 14

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Lisa gathered all her strength and pushed Jennie away, then slapped him hard and said, "Don't you dare kiss me again."

Jennie held his cheek, tears welling up in his eyes. It wasn't the first time Lisa had slapped him, but this time the slap wasn't a prank—it was out of jealousy.

With his hand on his cheek, Jennie looked at Lisa and asked in a hurt tone, no longer angry, "Why did you hug that boy?"

Lisa replied angrily, "It's none of your business who I hug. You kissed Nancy in front of everyone, did I say anything? No, so don't ask me anything."

Jennie sensed the jealousy in Lisa's voice when she mentioned Nancy, so he asked, "Are you jealous of Nancy? Is that why you hugged him?"

Raising an eyebrow, Lisa said, "Jealous? My foot. I'll never be jealous of that bitch." She turned to walk toward the bed but stopped when Jennie chuckled.

"But I want to make it clear, I didn't kiss Nancy. She kissed me forcefully, but I didn't kiss her back," Jennie explained.

Hearing this, Lisa felt a strange happiness knowing Jennie hadn't kissed Nancy. She mumbled, "Just like you always kiss me forcefully."

Jennie heard her mumble but still asked, "Did you say something?"

Frowning, Lisa replied, "No, but why are you so jealous of Sehun? Huh?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

'Maybe this is the right time to share my feelings with Lisa before it's too late,' Jennie thought.

Jennie looked at Lisa, stepped forward, and said, "Because I love you." Jennie said it without stuttering, feeling sure about his deep love for Lisa now.

When Lisa heard those words, her heart beat faster, and she froze where she stood, still staring at Jennie without blinking.

'Is this real? Jennie Kim, whole college crush, is telling me now that he loves me,' Lisa thought.

When Jennie noticed that Lisa seemed lost in thought and frozen, he stepped forward, took Lisa's hand gently, and said, "I know you're shocked, but it's true. I've played many bad pranks on you, but it's also true that I've never thought about anyone else. I only enjoy pranking with you."

Hearing this, Lisa's heart fluttered. She also loved Jennie deeply, but she remained silent.

"Lili, will you give me a chance to court you, please? I promise I won't force you. If you don't like me, I'll leave your life without saying anything," Jennie said, ending on a sad note.

When Lisa saw this side of Jennie, her heart softened even more for him. She said, "I don't know what to do."

Jennie quickly said, "There's no rush. I'll wait for your answer, but please give me permission to court you, please." Jennie pleaded with cat eyes, making Lisa feel even more love for him.

Lisa smiled, gently pulled her hands away from Jennie's, and said, "I'll think about it, but please go to your room now."

Lisa mentally smirked because she had decided to tease Jennie a little.

"Okay, good night, Lili," Jennie said with a smile as he left the room.

Lisa placed her hand over her heart, which was beating very fast, then lay down on her bed and said to herself, "I know I love you very much, too. This is clear to me now, but I won't tell you so easily, Jennie Kim. I'll tease you a little." Lisa smirked, but she forgot that her room door was still open, and Jennie had heard everything she said.

Jennie smirked and thought, 'So my Lili wants to tease me. Let's see who teases whom.'

Jennie was very happy to know that Lisa also loved him. He smiled and went to his room.

Lisa realized her feelings when she went to Sehun's house today. She realized she loved Jennie, which is why she got jealous.


At Manoban mansion:

Mr. Manoban was sleeping when his phone rang. He reached out to the side table and picked up the phone. The number was unknown, and the country code indicated it was from America. He answered the call, "Hello" he heard from the other line.

Mr. Manoban - "Hello, who is this?"

??? - "I'm Hyun Bin Kim's doctor."

When Mr. Manoban heard his best friend's name, his heart started beating faster with nervousness. He asked nervously.

Mr. Manoban - "Yes, please tell me what's going on, but first, how is Hyun Bin?"

Doctor - "Yes, he is fine, but can you come to America? Mr. Kim mentioned that if he ever started losing his memory, we should only inform you and no one else."

Mr. Manoban - "Okay, I'll come, but is Hyun Bin losing his memory?"

Doctor - "Please come here, and we will discuss everything."

Mr. Manoban - "Okay, I'll come by morning."

Doctor - "Okay, bye."

After the call, Mr. Manoban's eyes filled with tears. He and Mr. Kim were very close friends and loved each other dearly, having been best friends since high school.

Mr. Manoban quickly instructed his personal jet pilot to prepare the jet as he was heading to America immediately.

Without packing, Mr. Manoban quickly set off for America.


Mr. Manoban left Korea at 11:50 PM, deeply worried about his best friend. After a long 11-hour flight, he arrived in America at 6:50 PM and immediately headed to the hospital where Mr. Kim was admitted.

After completing some formalities, he went straight to Mr. Kim's private room. He saw his best friend lying there and couldn't hold back his tears. Mr. Manoban silently sobbed as he approached Mr. Kim's bedside.

Seeing Mr. Kim in this condition pained him deeply, and memories of their high school and college days flooded back. Since Mr. Kim was asleep, Mr. Manoban decided to wait for him to wake up.

A little later, Mr. Manoban noticed a diary on the side table next to Mr. Kim's bed.

To be continue...

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