Our Room

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Luna Blevine was right. Alaric's clothes did fit me.

Checking myself over the bathroom mirror, I couldn't help but lift the sleeve of the shirt I was wearing to my nose and breathe in.

Alaric's scent.

It was fucking gorgeous. Just like he was.

Voices came from the other side of the door and I sighed.

Radley and Alaric.

The events of the last few days whirred around my mind, spinning, filling my head. How did I get here? In the bedroom of a young werewolf Alpha? Me ... a werewolf hunter?

I shook my head.

No. I wasn't a hunter any more. I had made a promise to leave that life behind ... and I had every intention of doing just that.

Glancing at my reflection, I sighed once more. I looked a whole lot better since having a shower. My hair was clean, my clothes weren't tatty and my dark skin was no longer looking gaunt.

Leaning forward a little, I gripped the sink and peered closer.

Was it me or did I look a little ... different? A bit more ... brighter? Was that even a thing?

Well, that's what happens when you're locked in a bedroom with your werewolf mates.

How long had I been in that cell? A couple of days? But with everything else that had happened ... everything that I'd learned ... it felt longer. A whole lot longer.


I gripped the sink tighter as another image crossed my mind.


Was Alpha Conri really going to go after my father? I mean, I hadn't given the word. Hadn't even answered the Alpha's question.

Was that permission enough?

Tears burned the back of my eyes and I watched my reflection as a tear broke free and rolled down my cheek.

I would never see my father again. No more phone calls. No more discussions about wolves. No more being told what to do.

Would he even miss me?

A sob caught in my throat and I dropped my head to my chest.

He was probably holed up in his house, the extensive security system turned on. He'd never had any real reason to use it... he would turn it on out of habit. He'd never expected wolves to find him. He'd always been the hunter.

How would he feel, being on the other end of a gun?

More sobs shook my shoulders and my fingers dug further into the ceramic of the sink. My stomach felt heavy and my chest hurt.


I wanted my new life.

I did.

It was just... Everything I'd ever known had centred around my father. My whole life had been about him. About what he had wanted.

And now, he wouldn't be there.

My new life ... it was going to be very different from what I was used to.

A knock at the door.

Sniffing, I wiped a hand down my face, swiping the tears away.

Was my father even worth these tears? Would he have cried if he'd known I was caught? In a prison cell?

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