My Father

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Kissing the top of Radley's head, I stood up from my chair at the dining table.

"I need to speak to my dad," I told him, as he looked up at me, his green eyes wide.

After all he'd been through yesterday, Radley had fallen asleep in my arms, snuggled up against me, his energy spent. After a couple of hours, I woke him up so that he could eat. He'd managed a few bits of a sandwich, his eyes heavy, before he'd snuggled back into bed, falling back to sleep almost immediately.


Emotionally. Physically.

Yesterday had taken its toll on him. In more ways than one.

And this morning, he'd struggled to get out of bed, to walk down the stairs with me. I'd almost carried him into the dining room, where Mom was already seated, her eyes red rimmed and distant, picking at the food in front of her.

As she lifted her head to look at me now, I noticed how pale she looked, drawn, tired, almost as if she'd hardly slept.

Maybe she hadn't. I hadn't slept well myself. Most of the night I'd been awake, holding Radley, watching over him, making sure he rested.

I turned my attention back to Radley and ran a hand through his thick blonde hair. "You stay in here with Mom. Try to eat a little more." I nodded towards the plate of food in front of him. He'd just picked at it, hardly eaten anything really. "I'll try not to be too long," I promised as I leaned down to run my nose along his.

He sniffed as he gripped onto the front of my shirt. "Please ..." Tears covered his emerald eyes. "Please ... don't be long."

Mom reached over and squeezed his shoulder. "You'll be safe with me," she assured and he glanced over at her, his eyes softening.

Guilt tore at my heart as I buried my nose in his hair, breathing in his scent of rosewood and citrus.

So fucking good.

My wolf whimpered as he lay down, his nose buried in his paws. He didn't want to leave Radley's side at all. He wanted to stay with our little mate. All day. He knew that Radley needed me.

I knew that he needed me.

But I had to speak with my father. He was the only one standing in the way of me and my other mate. I had to talk to him ... somehow convince him to let Orion go.

Yes, I knew Orion was a human. And a hunter. And I couldn't forget the fact that he'd been sneaking around on pack lands.

But he was my mate.


Even though he was locked in one of the cells.


I had no idea what to say to Dad.

Heaving a sigh, I slowly pulled away from Radley, bringing his hand to my lips so that I could kiss his fingers. My wolf whimpered again.

"Stay with Mom," I told Radley. "I'll be back soon."

He nodded, and I turned towards the door, aware of his eyes on my back.


I hated leaving him. Walking away from him.

As soon as this fucking mess was over with, I was going to take my two mates away somewhere. Just the three of us. A vacation somewhere ... I didn't care where. Just away from here.

Or just hole ourselves up in our room for a bit, away from everyone and everything.

Sighing once more, I ran a hand down my face as I walked along the hallway towards my dad's office.

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