Their Prisoner

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The sound of the lock on the door sent me springing to my feet and rushing over to the bars of my cell, trying to see who had entered the prison.



They had left earlier, with Alaric saying that his father and the Beta were taking Claudia to the mansion to answer some of the questions there was about Radley, about why he'd only just learned he was a werewolf.

That fact still blew my mind.

How could he be nearly nineteen and not know?

What the hell was going on in this pack?

The footsteps coming towards my cell were calm, measured ... and there were a lot of them.

The lights in the hallway shone dimly and I could just make out the front figure walking towards my cell.

Alpha Conri.


He stopped in front of the bars, cocked a brow at me, then turned slightly to look over his shoulder.

"Put her in this cell, next to the hunter." The Alpha pointed to the cell to the left of mine and from behind him, his Beta walked forward, his hand gripping the arm of an older wolf.


What the hell was this?

Claudia walked calmly with the Beta towards the cell, followed by a guard.

My eyes snapped forward to meet the cool stare of the Alpha. I could see another guard just over his shoulder, standing behind him, looking out for his Alpha. And I was sure there would be more guards close by.

"I haven't finished with you," he said coldly. "I still have questions."

"What do you want to know?" I had figured that the only way I was going to be allowed out of here, to be allowed near Alaric and Radley again, was to be honest. Truthful. Tell them all about what I was, who I was, where I came from.

Even if that meant bringing my father's name into this.

The Alpha cast a glance to the side as his Beta stepped forward and the guard locked the door of the cell next to mine, before bringing his attention back to me.

"Not now." He sighed. "I'll come back for you." His gaze swept the length of my body, a tired look on his face.

The Beta didn't even spare me a glance. Instead he walked a couple of feet away from the cell, then stopped and spun around, waiting for his Alpha. One guard followed the Beta, while the other one stayed close to the Alpha.

"Whatever you want to know, I'll tell you," I told Alpha Conri, hoping he could see the truth in my eyes.

He simply nodded, before spinning on his heel and walking away, his Beta just one step behind him, the two guards just a foot behind the Beta.

Their footsteps echoed through the dark prison. The drip, drip, drip of water could still be heard, along with the sigh of my new neighbour.

A bang, then a clink, and I knew that the Alpha was gone, the door to the prison locked once more.

It was just me and Claudia.

"So, you're Orion," Claudia stated, her voice sounding weary. "My son knows you."

And I know your son.

I gripped the bars and leaned my forehead against them, my chest squeezing at the thought of Radley.

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