Their Guard

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Pulling the blankets up to his chin, I reached over and ran my hand through Radley's thick hair, feeling the soft strands tickle my fingers.

He scrunched up his nose, his eyes fluttering closed, sleep pulling him under.

I knelt on his bedroom floor and rested my torso on his bed, watching as he fell asleep, his breathing evening out.

Earlier ... on the sofa ... I hadn't planned on going down on him, on blowing his mind. It had just ... happened. My body had ached for him, burned to feel him. It had been almost painful. And the urge to touch him ... it had been too much to ignore.

My body had reached out for him. A kiss wasn't enough. Running my hands all over him just wasn't satisfying me. I had wanted more ... craved more.

And the way he had come apart on the sofa ... his cries, moans, the way he had writhed underneath my touch. He had acted like it was his first time.

I was pretty sure it was.

Stroking his hair, my heart seemed to melt at the sight of him sleeping. He was totally relaxed, the soft light of the bedside lamp illuminating his hair in a golden glow.

He looked ... innocent. Cute. Adorable.

I think ... I loved him.

I still found that thought surprising. Could I feel like that about someone so quickly? I had only known him for days ... was love even a possibility?

Running my finger along his cheek, I smiled as he turned his head into my hand, noticing that he was seeking me out, even in his sleep.

Leaning over, I pressed my lips to his forehead.

He was warm.

Very warm.

Too warm.

Frowning slightly, I pulled the blankets down to his waist. I should have taken his hoodie off of him before tucking him into bed. He would be even warmer while wearing it.

Sighing, I pulled the blankets down a little more to his hips, watching as he rolled onto his side, snuggling into his pillow.


I wanted to kiss him.

A creak.

My eyes darted to the door.

The soft close of a door.



Dropping to the ground, I crawled to the window, grabbed my boots and coat that I'd left there earlier, then rolled under Radley's bed, just as his bedroom door opened.



I watched out of the corner of my eye as Claudia's feet padded over to Radley's bed, noticing that her feet were stuffed into a pair of purple slippers. Holding my breath, I stayed as still as I could, lying on my back, clutching my coat to my chest, waiting for her to leave the room.

What was she doing anyway?

Had she heard us? Me?

I heard soft muttering ... Radley? Did he talk in his sleep?

Whispers, murmurs. Was Claudia talking to Radley? Had he woken up?

Biting my lip, I willed my heart to beat softly, controlling it as Dad taught me to. In my head, I went over everything I had done to prepare myself for entering pack lands again.

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