My Wish

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Orion's hand was warm and I held on. Tight.

He had to know that I needed him to stay. It wasn't just a case of me wanting him to stay with me ... since discovering my wolf, I'd also found that I needed him.

And Alaric.

So much.

I glanced over at Conri. He rubbed his mouth, watching Orion, a frown furrowing his brow.

From what he'd been saying in his office with Alaric this morning, I didn't think that he would be taking this stance - making Orion give up his father.

I thought he just wanted to make sure Orion wasn't a threat to the pack. Maybe let him out for a while. I hadn't realised that ... this ... was what he had in mind.

It seemed ... cruel. Glancing at Orion, the turmoil going through his mind shone through his eyes. Tears ran freely down his cheeks as he held my hand, his own shaking a little.

He was ... scared.

He didn't want to give the word for fear of Conri hurting his dad. Looking over at the next cell, I understood his feelings. Completely.

Claudia sat on the small bed, leaning her back against the wall, her grey eyes on me. A soft smile was playing on her lips and my heart felt heavy.

She raised me. Was as good as any parent could ever be. Looking at her now, it was hard to picture her as a ... murderer. Because that was what she was.

Tala ...

I took a shaky breath as one of my own tears broke free.

"Please don't cry, Radley," Claudia muttered softly as she folded her hands in her lap. "Everything will work out for the best."

Letting go of Orion's hand, I walked over to her cell, careful not to touch those horrible silver bars again.

"But ... you're in here." I sniffed as she shifted on the bed slightly.

"Yes. And you know why. I deserve to be in here."

"But ..."

"No, Radley. I did some awful things. To you. To the pack. I belong in here." She pointed to the next cell. "But Orion doesn't."

She looked over my shoulder. "You know Orion's telling you the truth about everything, Conri. What you're asking him to do ... is that necessary?"

I turned to face Conri. He took a couple of steps towards Claudia's cell, his face softening.

"What would you have me do, Claudia?" He asked. "I can't leave this pack open to any more attacks."

"Orion is no threat to the pack. You must see that."

My vision blurred and I felt another tear break free.

More tears.

I could feel shifting in my mind and knew it was my wolf. I ... couldn't concentrate on him right now. The urge to run to Alaric was strong. Was it my wolf forcing me to run to my mate?

Blevine had tried to tell me a little more about life as a werewolf this morning, but I ... couldn't listen to her any more. All everyone wanted to do was ... talk. About me. About what I was. Making decisions about what they thought was best for me.

Did anyone even care what I wanted?

"Then what do you want, Radley?"


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