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As they descended to the ground floor, an uncomfortable silence filled the lift, neither Taehyung nor YN daring to meet each other's gaze. When they reached their destination, a fleeting moment of connection passed between them as YN bid farewell, more out of habit than genuine sentiment. As she made her way towards the exit, a nagging feeling tugged at her senses.

Glancing back, YN observed Taehyung slipping into another lift, one she'd noticed him using frequently, presumably leading to the office basement. Yet something felt off. No one else ever seemed to use that lift, and its access appeared restricted.

Before their eyes could meet for one final time, the lift door sealed shut, leaving YN to ponder the enigmatic Taehyung and the mysteries he seemed entangled in, while he regarded her with an intensity that stirred both suspicion and curiosity.

As soon as YN reached her home, she was engulfed in a suffocating hug from her best friend Jungkook. Gasping for air, she swiftly removed his arms and playfully pinched his cheek for his overzealous embrace. Jungkook's expression darkened, sensing her irritation, as she made her way to the kitchen to grab a drink and a bite to eat after a long day.

However, Jungkook wasn't ready to let her go just yet. He grabbed her hand and pulled her towards him, locking eyes with her. YN sighed, her tone tinged with frustration as she pleaded, "Jungkook, if you keep this up, it could ruin our friendship forever. Please stop."

Brushing a strand of hair away from her face, Jungkook's gaze held a hint of mischief as he remarked, "You know, I wouldn't mind ruining our friendship."

Pushing him away gently, YN asserted, "Jungkook, I really don't have time for this. I have something very important to attend to."

YN continued, her tone firm yet tinged with regret, "Even if I were to entertain the idea of reciprocating your feelings, Jungkook, I simply can't. My focus is on my career. I'm striving to prove myself as a valuable employee, and it's becoming increasingly challenging with each passing day."

Furrowing his brows, Jungkook moved closer, his voice edged with frustration, "Important? Don't you already have a job? What could be more important than us, YN? You did the same thing in college, and now that you have a job, you're repeating it with me."

Running a hand through her hair, YN sighed, her patience wearing thin, "Jungkook, please try to understand. I never led you on. I'm dealing with something very serious. I need to establish myself in front of my boss, and it's consuming all my time and energy. I'm sorry."

Before Jungkook could respond, YN's phone interrupted, and she hastily retreated to her room, leaving Jungkook feeling hurt and frustrated.

As she answered the call, a deep voice greeted her from the other end, "So, how's the mouse doing?"

"Making the cat's life harder than ever. But I've noticed the mouse always takes a secret route where no one is allowed," YN replied.

"Well then, the cat should go to the den," the voice suggested.

"It's not that simple. The mouse wants the cat to leave, and the cat needs to earn his trust," YN explained.

"Why does the mouse want the cat to leave? Does the mouse suspect something?" the voice inquired.

"I don't know. I think the mouse... has some personal issues with the cat," YN mused.

"The cat must win his trust and stay there, no matter what," the voice concluded.

"Got it," YN affirmed, a determined glint in her eyes as she prepared to navigate the complexities of her situation.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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