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Stretching her arms and legs, Yn rose from her bed and slowly began preparing for her day. She brushed her teeth, untangled her messy bed hair, wore a simple white shirt, and pulled her hair into a ponytail. Enhancing her features with makeup, she was about to leave when she received a call from an unknown number. "Hello, who is this?" she answered.

A deep commanding voice replied, "How much has the work progressed?"

Taking a deep breath, Yn replied, "It's only been 2 days; I need more time."

"Okay, fine. Take your time, but remember to delete this number."

"Yes, yes, I am going to do so," Yn affirmed.

Ending the call, she stepped out of her room with an exasperated sigh but quickly recoiled when her muscular best friend, Jungkook, with earrings, chains, and rings, stood before her with his tattooed, crossed hands.

"Hey, Yn! Did you get scared?"

"Oh, just shut up, Jungkook. You always do this. From now on, you are not allowed to come to my house," she said, annoyed.

"Oh my god, Yn, why are you always so angry? But you look really pretty when you get angry," Jungkook flirted.

Pursing her lips, Yn sighed inwardly, knowing his flirtations wouldn't cease, even though she insisted they were just friends. "I'm getting really late; why don't you drive me to my office, Mr. Driver?"

"Oh, now I am your driver?" Jungkook teased.

"Well, you always follow me around, insist on driving me here and there, so I guess that does make you my driver."

"Alright, alright. You win, but I do not have a problem with that."

"Good, then let's go; we are getting late."

His sleek black car stopped in front of his building, and as soon as Taehyung got out, a polished motorbike parked in front of him. Not recognizing the person with the helmet, his facial muscles quickly stiffened as he saw Yn getting out from behind him. His eyes turned dark as he watched the helmeted person raise his hand and caress Yn's cheek, playfully removing his hand and slapping his back while giggling before bidding him farewell and stepping into her office.

Unknowingly balling his fists, Taehyung let out heavy breaths and roughly opened the car door, stomping hard on the floor as he entered his building. While he was supposed to go to the basement, he chose to go with Yn and her other colleagues who were waiting for the lift. Standing by her side, he looked at her with squinted eyes, feeling a tingling sensation coursing through his body. She glanced beside her and realized her boss was standing beside him. She quickly turned to him and said, "Good morning, sir," with a bow. Tightening his jaw, he just gave her a strained nod and kept on looking at her with glaring eyes. Frowning a bit at his cold behavior, she wondered what had changed him again.

The lift door opened, and she and Taehyung stepped into the lift. But when others were about to enter, Taehyung said, "Stop; no one else is allowed," in his deep voice, shocking everyone along with Yn. The lift door closed with only Taehyung and Yn inside. His gaze made her heartbeat race as he pressed the button to the rooftop.

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