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Storming into his cabin, he hastily unbuttoned his coat and slid it off his muscular arms, throwing it on the floor. Huffing, he grabbed the edge of his armchair, his frustration mounting at her apparent lack of intensity since they met. He couldn't shake the feeling that she didn't care about him, despite his constant thoughts of her throughout his daily activities. Then the image of her with another man flashed in his mind, smiling, talking, touching.

Feeling like an idiot, he was angry at both himself and her. Maybe he should have fired her the day she walked into his office without even knocking. Resting his hands on the glass window with his head arched down, he closed his eyes in an attempt to calm himself. Should he fire her? But why? Her mere thoughts were bothering him. Why couldn't he shake the feeling that he'd seen her somewhere before? Why!

Hearing a knock on the door, Taehyung quickly composed himself and said in a cool voice, "Come in." He turned around to see YN with files in her hand, her eyes holding a weird hesitation and awkwardness. Worse, she had to narrate his routine to him.

Boring his hazel hawk-like eyes at her, YN tore her eyes from him and opened the file to narrate his routine. "Sir, today you have a meeting with Mr. Louis at 2 o'clock then--" was cut off by him as he spoke, "Shut up," in a steely voice, startling YN. In surprise, YN said, "Excuse me? Sir, did I say something wrong?" Sitting on his armchair, taking a lighter from his pocket, he lit it and said, "No, not at all, but right now I am not in the mood to hear this shit," in a sharp voice. Sensing the tension in his voice, she replied, "Then I will come back later, sir." "If you step out of this room until I say so, you will be fired," he said absurdly. Frowning at his absurdity, she said, "What? Why would you fire me?" Smirking chillingly, he said, "Because I am your boss, YN. You do what I say."

"You are my boss, I get that! But why are you always so ready to fire me? And I haven't made any mistakes today," she gritted her teeth. "Listen, YN, this is my office, my place. I am the boss here; I make the rules. If you step out until I say so, you will be fired." "No, if you don't allow me, I will not," she replied firmly. "Other employees might think wrong of you. What kind of employee spends so much time with her boss, hmm?" Clenching her fists, she said, "The kind of employee who is very serious about her job." His eyes narrowed into slits, and he turned around, saying, "Fine then, wait here until I say so."

Several hours went by in silence, and YN did not even move from her place. Taehyung, his eyes holding a dark look, viewed the city through the glass window with blank eyes. YN waited there in complete determination not to leave and get fired no matter what. Six hours went by; it was almost time to go home. YN just waited; Taehyung did not attend any of his meetings. He was doing all this to find an excuse to fire YN, and he still held a grudge against her for acting like nothing had happened. He did not express what he was feeling for these past two to three days, feelings which he had never felt before.

Eight hours went by, and now it was dark. He got up and turned around to see YN fast asleep on the sofa, surprising him. Walking towards the sofa, her eyes closed, strands of hair over her eyes, he stiffened at the sight, clenching his teeth as the view in front of him was breathtaking. Looking at her again, his dark eyes finally began to soften unintentionally. His slender fingers made their way to her hair; her soft hair grazed the tip of his fingers, and her closed eyes got exposed. Eyes fixated on her, nothing in the world could distract him from her, until she moved, shattering his trance as she woke up.

Quickly getting up and mentally slapping herself for falling asleep, she looked at Taehyung, whose hazel eyes were twinkling with something unspoken, which made YN feel a twinge of something she did not expect to feel.

There was something in his gaze, very soft and intense. What was happening between them, she did not understand anymore. Gulping, she said, "So, can I go home now?" Taehyung said, "Why are you persistent to stay here? I am unprofessional, and this place is not for you, YN." Frowning, she said, "I worked very hard to reach where I am today. I am not giving it up so easily." Smirking, he said, "Fine, if you can deal with me, then alright." After that, they both got out of his office, and they were the only ones left.

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