Chapter 26

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William had entered the room after knocking several times, convinced that Megan was waiting for him and had not heard the knocking at the door, as had happened last time at the inn

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William had entered the room after knocking several times, convinced that Megan was waiting for him and had not heard the knocking at the door, as had happened last time at the inn. Once inside he had realized that she was asleep.

She must have fallen back asleep after the handmaids had helped her get ready. For a moment he had thought about going out and coming back later. Being able to look at her calmly, without tension, without having to hide his desire, however, had changed his mind.

It was a more unique opportunity than rare, and he did not want to waste it.

She was beautiful!

She wore a dark blue dress with a round neckline. The neckline gave just a little glimpse of the top of her breasts, which rose and fell with the rhythm of her breathing.

He would have gladly died there on that beautiful white body.

The skirt fanned out over the bed as did her hair spread over the white pillow. The blue color of the dress highlighted her ivory complexion and her very deep coppery-red hair with that peculiar little white lock on the side of her head.

She had her head tilted to the left side and her left hand resting lightly on the pillow at the level of her mouth.

She looked like a fairy! He desired her with an ardour that baffled him.

He had decided to stop fighting against himself, and those feelings that had always been a part of him and that he had been unable to eradicate He instinctively reached out a hand to move soft wavy locks that framed her face and, fortunately, retracted it in time.

If she had awakened to his touch who knows what she would have thought of him. A faint smile surfaced on his lips as he imagined how she would incinerate him.

Megan awoke, having the distinct feeling that she was no longer alone in the room.

The knowledge that William's gaze was on her gave her that familiar tingle down her back.

Trying to look natural, she opened her eyes and sat up.

A strangled <<Oh!>> came out of her in wonder.

That exclamation had surfaced to her lips spontaneously not because of his presence, of which she was already aware, but because of his appearance.

He was clean-shaven, with loose hair still wet that fell around his face in small locks. He wore a bright forest green gambeson over a brown linen shirt, like his tights and boots.

He was tremendously charming!

Fortunately, he mistook her exclamation as surprise and not appreciation.

<<I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I was about to leave>> he lied.

William felt as flustered as a young squire in his first battle. He remembered that the last time they had been alone had not ended well or, rather, he had decided to be a callous scoundrel. The previous night he had also accused her of having an affair with Kay. Now he would have given anything in return to make up for her stupid impulsiveness.

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