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April, Year of Our Lord 1320

Roger Fizz Osbern was a man who had created his fortune from nothing, all by himself.

The power and all the wealth he now had at his disposal had been hard earned even if many had been deeply opposed to the means by which he had obtained them.

He was known to be a violent man, without mercy and without honor. He had an iron fist with his men and was ruthless with those who hindered him.

In all honesty he didn't give a damn what anyone else thought. Indeed, the fear they had of him gave them even more power and freedom to do as he pleased.

They were all imbeciles.

Total gutless idiots.

The men: all gutless wimps. The women: all prostitutes and profiteering leeches. They only indulged if they had an income of some kind. As far as he was concerned, women were only useful to satisfy his needs and desires which many considered reprehensible and depraved.

He had married only to gain a better status in society, money, and powerful connections that he could use. Even his daughters, as women, had only been a mean for him to try to realise his most important goal: revenge!

His position, his circle of acquaintances and the money he possessed had brought Queen Isabella to him, despite his reputation. She had secretly asked him to ally with her and help her get rid of her husband, King Edward II.

The women... all traitors!

In the end, whatever the Queen's purpose was, to him, it mattered little. Helping her eliminate Edward II was very little if she could thus have the political and financial support to destroy the Houses of Clare and Giffard. He only wanted 'Her' and her power.

Roger Fizz Osbern was standing at the window of his study as he watched his soldiers train when someone knocked. One of his most trusted men had arrived to bring him the information he had been waiting for.

<<My Lord, they will set out in about a week>>.

He conveyed this with reverence.

<<Good. Make sure everything is ready>> and he turned to look at him threateningly.

<<I want her alive! Do you understand?>>

His man knelt on one leg and lowered his head.

<<Of course, my Lord>> and out of breath he went out.

Left alone again he returned to his thoughts. The time had come to act and carry out his revenge.

Finally, he had her position, and the opportunity to make her pay. He had made a first attempt a few years ago, but it was not definitive. Now he would finish the game.

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