Chapter 3

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  For all the good spirits, she didn't want at all to leave her things, the house and especially her aunt alone! Could it be that there was no other solution?

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For all the good spirits, she didn't want at all to leave her things, the house and especially her aunt alone! Could it be that there was no other solution?

How long would she have to stay away from 'Shadyhouse'? She realised that she had never considered the possibility of having to give up her affections.

She was not a girl who was afraid to face life and its unknowns, but the idea of going with people completely unknown worried her a little.

The only thing that comforted her was that the people she would be dealing with knew her aunt well. Unfortunately, she felt nervous at the same time because she knew that there was more behind what Elly had just told her.

Much more probably! She thought, increasing her anxiety.

At the same moment, as she formulated that thought, without almost noticing, she shifted a little from the position she was in. An almost involuntary gesture that underlined the state of restlessness and discomfort she was feeling.

Oh no, not now!

Again, the air began to vibrate, but this time there was also a very slight sizzle, and the small lock of white hair became even whiter. Kay moved as if he had received a shock and her aunt peered intently at her niece. A moment later, Megan regained control, and everything returned to normal.

<<How long...? >> the reproachful look that Megan read in her aunt's eyes filled her with guilt and embarrassment. She lowered her gaze to the tips of her shoes.

<<Since Jamie, the brewer's son, threw me in the mud>>.

Elly was stunned! She got up from her chair, but then thought better of it and sat down again.

How had it been possible that all that time she hadn't noticed? As a girl, she knew how to create sparks or lightly feed a fire, and her sister Briallen, additionally, succeeded in small shifts of air. Both, however, had never been able to improve on this skill. For them it had become a kind of game, nothing more.

She and her sister were good at healing, prescience, mind-reading which they almost never did and only in exceptional cases at imposing their will.

Deadly serious, Elly asked again:

<<Just the air?>>

Megan felt even more distressed. She hadn't told her anything because... in fact there was no good reason.

At first it had been such a small phenomenon that it had aroused no particular interest.

When, over time, she had understood how it worked, she had decided to practise on her own until she was good enough to show it to her aunt.

Then... indecision had made her stall.

<<No, even water and fire>> she replied almost in a whisper.

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