Chapter 11

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 Megan stood before Lord Gilbert de Clare II and his wife Eleanor

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 Megan stood before Lord Gilbert de Clare II and his wife Eleanor.

Who knows why, she had imagined them just like that.

Lord Gilbert resembled his son William, only in an older version. Despite his mature age, he was still very attractive and charming.

Lady Eleanor was very beautiful. Her features denoted a nobility that did not stop to her family blood.

She was elegant, graceful and had a sweet but determined expression. What she knew of them was only that their marriage was unconventional. They had married for love and had not been sealed for convenience. After all those years, one could still see how close they were.

Lord Gilbert was at his wife's side, surrounding her with his arm as a sign of affection and support. Lady Eleanor for her part often looked at her husband, smiling lovingly at him.

After an initial moment of panic, well overcome by both of them, when they realised that she had come and not Elly, the de Clare couple had welcomed her with great kindness even if they were very worried.

<<Lady Megan, we are happy to have you with us>> she told her with a sincere smile, also if was a little strained. She seemed both pleased and fearful of her for something that at that moment eluded Megan.

<<This is extraordinary! If I didn't see it with my own eyes... >> Lord Gilbert also looked pleased and at the same time amazed at something.

His wife gave him a gentle nudge without being seen.

Seeing that Lady Ellyll's niece was watching them questioningly, Lord Gilbert tried to repair the damage.

<<I meant to say that you are truly...>>

<<Fascinating>> finished his wife looking at her with excessive admiration, Megan thought.

Those two were behaving suspiciously. Megan decided to play along for now. Starting to question them about what they knew about her would certainly not be a good way to get acquainted and start a relationship. She bit the side of her lower lip and swallowed several times in an attempt to control the eagerness she had to hammer them with questions. Once again, she would have to put off getting explanations.

Meanwhile, William was watching in perplexity at this rather suspicious show. His eyes became two slits. He would have exchanged a few words with his parents later, to have that scene explained to him, which in other circumstances he would have described as ridiculous.

<<A compliment said by a woman is worth as much as ten compliments said by a man>> commented Megan.

<<That is true, unless it is your own man>> Lady Eleanor replied. Megan blushed slightly. Those two still loved each other, she realised.

<<I don't want to disturb you, but there are more important things to talk about than compliments and who they come from>>. William was irritated. Now was not the time to talk about such silliness. Anyway, what value could words have if the facts were quite different?

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