Chapter 21

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 <<Why.... why have you never told me>> the notes of strong resentment were clearly recognizable in his voice.

<<Father why was all this kept from me?>> if he only thought back to how much he had longed for Megan in years past. He now realized how much she had been and still was important to him. No one knew, not even Kay, about the times when he had gone back to watch her from afar just to check that everything was okay, a prisoner of the need to protect her, until the day when it had become too difficult for him to avoid approaching her. He had made the decision to stop looking for her, although it had cost him a lot, because he had been aware that he would not be able to stay away from her.

He was prevented from being close to her and his desire for her was repressed, then denied, and in this way, he had ended up in Abell's arms.

When his parents had sent him to Elly's, he had known that there was a risk of meeting her and that all his feelings would come flooding back. For this, he had been looking for excuses to delay showing up at 'Shadyhouse', always sending his cousin alone.

Never did he think that she would be the one to go with them, and that after all that time, she would re-enter his life in such an overbearing way. Why this change of heart on Elly's part. Why have them meet again after all the time spent keeping them apart? Had it been a surprise to his parents, too? Or had it all been decided without their knowledge?

Only now did he discover that they were destined for each other. Their destiny had always been to unite and had been hampered.

But why?

Now he would not be the distrustful man and unrepentant scoundrel he had become toward women. The realization of what had happened because of his family's manipulations struck him so violently that for a moment he was breathless. Every fibre of his being was shaking violently. He clenched his hands into fists to control himself and prevent that tremor caused by anger from physically manifesting itself in front of his cousin and his parent.

<<William try to understand>> his father said softly, suddenly aware of his son's deep disturbance.

<<In the beginning we were overjoyed at this union. To unite our blood with that of the Giffard's, and their abilities, only pleased us>>.

The Count also looked regretfully at his nephew, who seemed indignant at that moment.

<<You must understand that it was not easy for us to make this decision, but we had no other choice>>.

He turned to Kay. <<I'm sorry if you felt used, but the purpose, as you can well understand now, was to prevent anything from happening to William>>.

William shook his head unable to understand what his father was talking about.

<<What could have possibly happened to me?>> he mocked him bitterly thinking again of the opportunity to be happy that had been taken away from him.

The count's face became even more gloomy.

<<When we learned of the curse enveloping the Giffard descendants, or, rather, the 'Physician of Myddfai' we could not sit still and do nothing>>.

<<What curse are you talking about? I cannot believe that you of all people, father, believe such things>> burst out William.

<<What are you talking about uncle?>> echoed Kay. Lord de Clare seethed in his face.

<<No, in fact, I am not one inclined to believe all these things but given the painting and the real abilities the Giffard's always had I did not want to risk not believing in the curse as well. Especially, after Simon, at the expense of the only son I had left>>.

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