Chapter Eighteen

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Before this chapter starts I want to thank everyone for having patience with this and my other stories and it's the last day of school! Yay!!!

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

Before this chapter starts I want to thank everyone for having patience with this and my other stories and it's the last day of school! Yay!!!

Hope you enjoy!!!


Previously: "I...I" Kara chocked "I killed our baby?" she asked.

"No!" Alex said "It wasn't you," she told her sister "It just happened you didn't know about any of it and your stress levels have been up since Mon-El returned that papers just pushed it over the top" Alex said.

"Kara," Oliver grabbed his wife's hand "This is not your fault, okay?" Kara nodded.

"Can...can I go home?" Kara asked Alex. "I would like to keep you here for another few hours and make sure nothing else happens" Alex said.

"Okay," Oliver said "I'll see if William cand get Astra and Tommy from school and watch them while I stay here with Kara" he said pulling out his phone giving Kara and kiss on the forehead before leaving.

"Can you call Sam?" Kara asked Alex "We're going to need a lawyer and since he's close to being one and the only one I trust..." she trailed off.

"I'll call him" Alex nodded standing up and leaving.

Oliver soon returned back to the room to find Kara staring into space "Sweetheart," Oliver said bringing her out of her thoughts "What are you thinking about?" he asked.

Kara shook her head. "How are you doing?" she asked as Oliver sat next to her.

"Your the one who had a miscarriage," Oliver said to her. "Oliver, you are the father you need to grieve" she said.

Then Oliver just began to grab her hand and kiss it "I'm doing fine" he told her softly, Kara eyed him knowing Oliver was grieving but didn't want to upset her more so she just left it alone until he was ready to tell her.


It's been a week days since everything, Sam agreed to be their lawyer and started to get in contact with Mon-El's lawyer while Oliver and Kara dealt with the miscarriage, no one knows besides Alex.

Oliver still hasn't talked about his feelings well at least with Kara.

There are some nights were Kara would wake up to Oliver crying in the bathroom, the first night she went to go check on him but he just pushed her away and she went back to bed silently crying herself back to sleep.

This bad thing that happened to the couple and keeping it from their friends is tearing them apart.

Because of the stress Kara had to take a break from CatCo saying it was mental health problems on top of that she still couldn't get in contact of Mon-El.

It was now the weekend and Kara was at home with Tommy and Astra, Oliver was also home making them lunch.

"Mama look!" Astra showed Kara the drawing that she had did of their, Oliver and Kara holding hands with Tommy being held by Kara and Astra standing with Oliver, then William, Mia, and Evelyn next to her holding her hand.

"It's beautiful baby!" Kara said with a big smile, it's been a while since she's had a real smile on her face.

"It's not finished yet," Astra said "I have to draw the house!" she said, Kara laughed and nodded as her daughter ran back to the table filled with crayons.

Oliver can in with their lunch and both kids sat on the floor eating at the small table along with both adults. Kara's phone then began to ring.

She looked at the caller ID and saw it was Mon-El, she stood up "I have to take this," she said not wanting to mention Mon-El around Astra or Oliver.

She walked into her bedroom and answered the phone.

"You have half the nerve to...!" she was cut off by Mon-El.

"Kara," he said slowly "I...we need your help."

"Why on earth would I help you!?" Kara yelled "Your suing me for custody of my daughter!" she said her anger coming back to the surface "Then you ignored my calls when I called you!"


"What!?" she growled "What could possibly be so bad that you want MY help!?"

"My mom is back," Mon-El said and Kara paused "She's working with Lex and Lillian Luthor and their after Astra" he told her.

"Okay..." Kara nodded "Where are you?" she asked.

"My tower, I'll send you the address and don't tell anyone."

That meant he didn't want Oliver or any of her other friends to be there, Kara just ended the call without saying anything else and went back to the living room were her husband and two kids were now watching a movie apparently it was Tommy's choice because it was Toy Story.

"Oliver," she walked over to her husband "We have to talk" he looked at her and nodded telling both kids that they would be back.

"Is something wrong?" he asked his wife.

"I have to go help Mon-El," she said instantly and he eyed her.

"You want to help the guy who is trying to take away our daughter?" he asked.

"I'm doing this for our daughter," she told him "Mon-El called saying that his mother is back and she's working with Lillian and Lex trying to get to Astra," she explained "He didn't want me to tell you," she said to him.

"You believe him?" Oliver asked "What makes you think he isn't just trying to set you up?" he asked.

"Oliver I can tell the difference from when people are lying to me, especially when it comes to you and him," she said.

"What's that's supposed to mean?" Oliver looked at her.

"Look I have to go help him," Kara stood up as her phone dinged, Mon-El had sent her the address "Please just stay here with Astra and Tommy kept them safe" she pleaded her husband.

"Okay" Oliver nodded.

Kara gave him a kiss and whispered an 'I love you' before leaving giving both of her child a kiss on the forehead and leaving telling them mommy had an emergency at the DEO.


Well...there might be a little Kariver angst for a few more chapters...sorry in advance if things get out of hand with our married couple.

|| She's My Daughter ||Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz