Chapter Ten

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Danvers-Queen Wedding {4: Girls Day pt

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Danvers-Queen Wedding {4: Girls Day pt. 3}


Previously: "What do we have planned for today?" Kara asked as they made their way to the car.

"Shopping, for starters," Thea told Kara "You need things to take on your honeymoon" she added.

"Gross" Evelyn gagged. "That's disgusting" Mia said getting into the car.

"Okay besides buying things that are going to traumatize my stepdaughter and adoptive daughter, what else?" Kara said.

"Uh....anything you want us to do today" Sara said. Kara nodded.


Oliver arrived at the DEO and saw Alex hovering of Winn, "So tell me why you and Oliver need me to find he who must not be named?" Winn asked.

"Winn, he isn't Voldemort, he's not gonna appear if you say his name" Oliver told him, both Alex and Winn looked at Oliver shocked "Yes, I know what Harry Potter is," he sighed.

"Okay then," Winn said "Why do the both of you need to find Mon-El?" he questioned.

"Just a little chat," Alex said.

"Right..." Winn nodded suspiciously "Does Kara know about this?"

"Yeah," Oliver told Winn "Now stop asking questions and find him" he said.


Winn found Mon-El's new address after a few minutes, Oliver and Alex were on their way there on motorcycles, until they pulled up to an apartment complex and found his house number.

Alex knocked on the door, "Coming!" the heard a female voice.

Oliver and Alex eyed each other, then the door opened revealing a woman, she had dark brown hair and blue eyes, "Hi," she said looking between them with a confused smile.

"Hi," Oliver smiled "Is Mike Matthews here?" he asked.

"Uh..." Imra looked between the two "Yeah..." she nodded "Come in, I'll go get him" she said stepping out the door way to allow the two in.

Once they were in, Imra shut the door and walked off, Alex and Oliver scanned the apartment, and lots of pictures of Mon-El and Imra, then there were some with them with some unknown people, Alex and Oliver also spotted a few were it was Mon-El and Kara at holidays with friends or the two kissing, but they were in smaller frames.

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