Chapter Seven

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Danvers-Queen Wedding {3: Drunk bride}

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Danvers-Queen Wedding {3: Drunk bride}


Previously: The bartender came over to her table placing a beer bottle on bier table "I didn't order this" she told them.

"Someone ordered it for you" he pointed to man at the bar.

Kara groaned, she of course hadn't seen the man in weeks thought she was finally rid of him "Tell him I don't want it" Kara said.

The man nodded and went to return the drink. "What was that?"

"Just my ex sending drinks over to my table" she groaned.

"Wait you aren't with the girls?" Oliver asked.

"No," Kara sighed "Sara took us somewhere and some guy hit on me so I came to Al's bar," she explained "The girls should be here soon but I might leave early" she added.

"Oliver! Get off the phone with your wife and come have drinks!" Deans voice came from the background.

"Yeah okay!" Oliver said groaning "listen call me if you want me to come to you or come get you."

"Of course" Kara smiled.

"I love you."

"I love you too."


After she ends the phone call she takes two shots of the drink Mon-El over to her table, that's when Sara and Alex walked in the bar, "Kara?" Alex said, Kara turned to look at Kara who giggled.

"You okay?" Sara asked.

"I'm fine," Kara laughed "I feel floaty but fine" her words slurred.

"Your drunk?" Sara smirked never seeing the kryptonian drunk, she didn't even know she could get drunk, other wise she would have tried a long time ago.

"Maybe" Kara said a huge smile on her face.

Alex looked around and saw Mon-El who was slickly staring at Kara "Again?" Alex sighed.

"Whoah again? This has happened before?" Sara asked "Someone should have told me!" she sat down across from Kara who automatically got sad.

"Super Angel why the sad face?" Sara frowned.

"I miss Ollie,"  Kara said in a pout taking another shot, Alex took the tray that had three more glasses of alcohol in them away, on her way to the bar she glared at the man who pretended not to see her.

"Awww you're so adorable," Sara smiled as she took a picture of Kara drinking before she finished the shot "Totally showing that at your wedding" she smiled at the picture then proceeded started to record.

Kara "You know what I love more than anything in the world?" she asked as her words still slurred. "What?" Sara asked.

"My fiancé and my kids," Kara smiled drunkly at the thought of her family "Then food" she added.

"So if you had to choose between you Oliver and family or food which would you choose?" Sara asked.

"My family of course!" Kara said. Sara was so using this at Kara's wedding.

"Why are you recording her?" Alex scowled at Sara. "Because she's adorable and loves talking about her family!" Sara told Alex.

Alex snatched Sara's phone, it was a struggle but Alex eventually won and stopped the recording. "Where did Kara go?" Alex asked as they two finally noticed that she had left.

"Let's go find out" Sara told her getting out the booth.


Kara was stumbling outside the bar digging through her purse looking for her phone, once she had it out she called Oliver.

"Kara is everything okay?" Oliver instantly answered.

"No! I miss you!" Kara slurred her words with a pout.

"I miss you too..." Oliver trailed off "Wait are you drunk?" he asked.

"Maybe sort of" Kara giggled.

"Is someone there with you?"

"Uh...Sar-a and Al-ex, but they were arguing over something," she tried to correctly pronounced their names "But I really miss you and want you to come get me!"

Oliver laughed "I'm already on the way, love."

"Mk" Kara smiled herself "Oh look! There's Sar-a and Al-ex"'she said pointing even if Oliver couldn't see them.

Alex and Sara ran over to drunk girl Alex took her phone "Oliver?" Alex said.

"Alex? is Kara drunk?" Oliver asked.

"There's this drink that can get Kara drunk and Mon-El sent her like six shots of it and drank I'm guessing about half of them" Alex said as Sara slowly sat Kara on a chair that was in front of the bar.

"Of course he did" Oliver sighed.

"Al-ex," Kara called out and Alex turned to her sister "I want to talk to my husband again!" Kara pouted.

Sara smiled "Adorable" she told Kara. Then Oliver's car pulled up to the bar "Oli-ver!" Kara smiled excitedly bouncing off the chair and ran over to Oliver.

Alex hanged up the phone and watched her sister hug her fiancé.

"Hey!" Oliver laughed hugging Kara "Let's get you home" he told her once they pulled out of the hug, Kara nodded.

"Do you two need a ride?" he asked Alex and Sara.

"No, I'll drop Sara off at her hotel and then head home" Alex told Oliver "You should get her home ASAP" Alex pointed to Kara who was in Oliver's arms.

"Okay" Oliver laughed, Alex and Sara went to Alex's car and Oliver helped Kara into the car.


A/N: I love the fluff that's happening! How is it all going? Sorry I've been gone for a while, I've just been taking a brake before finishing and publishing this story.

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